Confirmed, the new highway that connects Santa Cruz with Cochabamba is open

Confirmed, the new highway that connects Santa Cruz with Cochabamba is open
Confirmed, the new highway that connects Santa Cruz with Cochabamba is open

Just as they had announced. The transporters that kept the Santa Cruz – Cochabamba route closed, They determined to lift the blockade around 6:00 p.m. this Tuesday. The measure of pressure is due to the shortage of dollars and the irregular sale of fuel.

For this day, a meeting of the mobilized sector was planned to analyze new pressure measures; if the Government does not meet their demands in the next few hours.

The leaders Juan Yujra and Marcelo Cruz warned that if the problem is not resolved, a new extension will define locks indefinitely. The sector says that the lack of diesel is not due to the blockades, as the national government suggests.

The roads are clear

From the Santa Cruz Bimodal Terminal they confirmed that sales to the west of the country were normalized, after learning that the blockade on the La Amistad bridge was lifted this Tuesday afternoon.

In La Paz, operations were enabled at the Terminal

In The La Paz Bus Terminal gave the green light for departures to the interior of the country; However, several companies decided not to leave due to the low influx of passengers and to preserve their safety, in the event of some incidents that may occur with blockers. The Police reported that the route remains open.

According to Américo Gemio, administrator of the La Paz Bus Terminal, the Police unblocked the Apacheta sector this Tuesday morning. The version is corroborated by the Bolivian Highway Administrator (ABC).

A statement was issued from the Metropolitan Terminal of El Alto indicating that the sale of tickets and departures from that terminal to the different departments is normal.

From Cochabamba

From the terminal in the city of Cochabamba they reported that starting at 10:00 Transit enabled departures to the west, Oruro and La Paz, via alternate routes or detours. Departures to Santa Cruz are resumed on the new highway.

Yovana Cáceres, administrator of the Cochabamba Bus Terminal, stated that very few companies have been encouraged to travel on alternative routes. In addition to the low influx of passengers in these two days of blockade.

In Sucre

Jorge Rojas, administrator of the Bus Terminal in Sucre, stated that it has been operating normally. The sale of tickets and departures has been regular, despite the low influx of passengers that is customary on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Likewise, he highlighted that from Santa Cruz the buses have arrived and left at established times. “With Potosí yesterday there were problems due to a blockade in the Carachipampa sector, but today (Tuesday) it is normal,” the administrator explained.

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