With Artificial Intelligence they would reinforce security in the metropolitan area of ​​Bucaramanga

The Government of Santander and the mayors seek to implement a strategy to articulate the security of the entire metropolitan area, including Lebrija.

One of the main difficulties for the persecution and capture of criminals in the metropolitan area of ​​Bucaramanga are the physical borders that the municipalities have.

To cite an example, according to the authorities, many of the criminals commit their misdeeds in Bucaramanga and flee to Floridablanca or Girón, or vice versa, because the monitoring carried out on them is lost when they cross the territorial limits.

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Faced with this situation, last Tuesday the governor of Santander, Juvenal Díaz, summoned the mayors of Bucaramanga, Floridablanca, Piedecuesta, Girón and Lebrija to propose the metropolitan coordination of the fight against crime.

“The Mayor of Bucaramanga has called it phase II of the ‘Candado Plan’, expanding it to the metropolitan area. It is about the creation of an Integrated Monitoring Center, and its first task is to repair the surveillance cameras of the municipalities that are part of the jurisdiction,” said the governor of Santander, Juvenal Díaz.

The idea is that when they are operating, all the cameras are integrated and the security monitoring of the entire area is carried out in a unified manner.

“The Monitoring Center will have a strategic area so that the mayors and the Governor can meet to make decisions or where their delegates can attend to emergencies. There will be another operational area, in case the municipalities want to increase the number of cameras they have,” explained President Díaz Mateus.

One of the news is that cutting-edge technology would be implemented to control security and track criminals.

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“Of the 522 cameras that Bucaramanga has damaged, the repair of 80% of them has already been contracted and there is another percentage that must be changed. We want to integrate the network of private security cameras and implement cameras with Artificial Intelligence and biometric identification of those who commit crimes,” explained the mayor of Bucaramanga, Jaime Andrés Beltrán.

This system would make it easier to track criminals and know where they came from and where they went to hide to facilitate the capture processes.

In the case of Girón, Mayor CampoElías Ramírez said that nearly $400 million were invested to strengthen the surveillance camera system.

“We are already allocating another $400 million from the CDP to reach around 85 cameras in the municipality,” said Mayor Ramírez Padilla.

What is the project about?


According to the mayor of Bucaramanga, Jaime Andrés Beltrán, the investment in technology of more than $20,000 million and another of nearly $21,000 for communications.

“We require support from the National Government, the goal is between the mayors and the Governor to contribute 25% and for the National Government to provide the remaining 75%,” indicated the local leader.

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In turn, the Governor of Santander announced that he contacted the Minister of the Interior, Luis Fernando Velasco, to plant the initiative and he would have given it the ‘green light’.

“The secretaries of the Interior and Security of the municipalities met to define how much money they are going to put in. The Government is going to provide $3,000 million and the idea is to contact the Minister again to tell him the news. Once this step has been completed, the idea is to register the project as soon as possible with the National Fund for Security and Coexistence, Fonsecon, so that we can begin the execution of this important tool for security,” concluded the sectional leader.

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