Mining leads the water transition towards desalination in Chile

Mining leads the water transition towards desalination in Chile
Mining leads the water transition towards desalination in Chile

The executive vice president of Acades, Rafael Palacios, recognized the mining industry for being a vanguard in the water transition. In an interview with Reporte Minero y Energético, Palacios spoke about the importance of multi-use desalination in Chile, both for human life and for productive operations, especially for mining.

Mining on the path to desalination

The mining industry has led the water transition by using seawater in its processes. According to Rafael Palacios, mining has set itself ambitious goals in terms of stopping using continental waters and using exclusively sea water. By 2030, it is expected that 90% of the water used in mining processes will come from the sea, in contrast to 8% today.

Benefits for ecosystems

The use of seawater in industrial production operations not only contributes to mining efficiency, but also generates benefits for ecosystems. By using seawater instead of continental water, ecosystems are given the opportunity to better take advantage of continental water resources, adequately nourishing diverse forms of life.

The shift towards the use of seawater

Mining in Chile has carried out a significant change in terms of water use, moving from continental sources to unconventional sources, such as desalination. This change has allowed the industry to reduce its impact on continental water resources and contribute to caring for the environment.

Challenges and opportunities

Despite advances in desalination and the use of seawater in mining, there are still challenges to face. It is necessary to continue investing in technology and training to improve the efficiency of desalination processes, as well as minimize the environmental impact. However, this transition towards the use of seawater also opens opportunities for the industry and the sustainable development of the country.

The role of Acades

Acades, through its executive vice president Rafael Palacios, has been a key player in the promotion and development of multi-use desalination in the mining industry. The association seeks to promote a comprehensive approach to water, considering both its importance for human life and its relevance in productive operations. Joint work between industry, institutions and communities is essential to advance the country’s water transition.

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