Doing sports gives us more years of life

Doing sports gives us more years of life
Doing sports gives us more years of life

Physical exercise is essential at all ages. Its regular practice provides various benefits, including increased self-esteem, activation of the immune system, reduction in stress and/or anxiety levels, lowering blood pressure and enhanced concentration, among other things. Health and sport are two closely related concepts and physical activity is one of the pillars on which a person’s well-being is based.

The importance of sport for the Fernández

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“Doing sports gives us more years of life,” said the Fernández brothers.

UNOER/ Alan Barbosa

ONE He spoke with the Fernández trio about the importance of sport in their daily lives and how they organize themselves to be able to practice something that, according to them, “gives life.”

“When my sister and I turned 60, we said ‘we have to do something.’ We both wanted to do some activity and we saw a poster related to the newcom practice. We went and learned the first steps of the sport because we had no idea about it. We played basketball in our childhood but never volleyball,” sisters Silvia and Mary began their story.

“Luckily we were able to learn the first movements easily. Newcom is not a difficult sport. It’s calmer, it doesn’t jump, it doesn’t hit,” the Urundai players highlighted. In turn, they added: “We invited Juan Carlos. We always asked him why he didn’t play sports, why he didn’t get close to newcom.”

In relation to this, Juan Carlos expressed: “Six years ago I started sports. They were very important in my decision. Between them and a childhood friend they managed to convince me. I liked it and I was excited. He seems more passive but on the field he is competitive. You have to move and fast. You sweat through your shirt and have a lot of fun.”

The brothers are old enough to compete in the +70 category. However, due to lack of players, sometimes they put on the +60 trick. “You can feel the age difference. Even though there are only 10 years of difference, there are very competitive teams that run all the balls as if they were the last,” they said.

On the other hand, Mary, the oldest of the three, gave her opinion on the performance of her brothers on the court: “The two youngest have incredible speed. They are gazelles. It is impressive how the balls run.”

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“Doing sports gives us more years of life”, the Fernández brothers sentenced.

UNOER/ Alan Barbosa

Regarding sport and the importance it deserves in their lives, the Fernándezes did not hesitate to answer: “The social part, the friendship, the trips are excellent. The truth is that a very nice human group is formed with whom you can enjoy other things beyond sports.”

“The newcom for me is life. I have a grandson who is one and a half years old and the birth of that baby does the same thing to me as sports. It revives me, it is the satisfaction of saying that I am 74 years old and I can move, I can jump, run,” said María when talking about adapted volleyball.

“I played sports all my life. I’ve been doing anything for over 60 years. The important thing is to move. At this moment the newcom is useful for that. Physically I feel good and sport forces me to move. “I’m happy with that,” said Juan Carlos.

“I use the same words as my brothers. For me, when I enter the court it is adrenaline and that is what gives me strength to continue. It means being moving at this age and not having any post-workout pain. “I’m going to continue until my knees give out,” said Silvia, the youngest of the three siblings.

“The important thing, beyond sports, is to be grateful that the three brothers are together. Watching them play is simply beautiful. Pride and satisfaction is what we feel about each other. Likewise, we like competition (laughs). We always want to win. The game itself makes you want to compete with yourself. To demand oneself in every ball”the Fernándezes closed.

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