The province advances in an inter-institutional agreement to provide coverage to Malvinas War Veterans

The province advances in an inter-institutional agreement to provide coverage to Malvinas War Veterans
The province advances in an inter-institutional agreement to provide coverage to Malvinas War Veterans

From articulated work between the teams Ministry of Health of Entre Ríosthe Retirement and Pension Fund of the Province, the Iosperthe Honorable Chamber of Deputies and the Legal and Technical SecretariatWanted provide coverage to veterans who do not access this benefit.

This Tuesday the meeting took place, called by the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Gustavo Hein, where the modalities for regularization were outlined and income of approximately 60 veterans to the provincial social security and work systems.

The president and vice president of the Retirement Fund, Gastón Bagnat and Néstor Wasinger, participated on the occasion; the president and secretary of the Chamber of Deputies, Gustavo Hein and Julia Garioni; the Minister of Health, Guillermo Grieve, accompanied by the general coordinator of Ministerial Management, Gabriela Diez and the general director of Legal Affairs, Romina Sirota; the general, Legal, Technical and Administrative coordinator of the Legal and Technical Secretariat, Leonel Rodríguez; and the president of the Paraná War Veterans Center, Oscar Eguías.

Thus, Progress was made in defining the methodology shared by the Retirement and Pension Fund, the Institute of Social Work of the Province of Entre Ríos (Iosper) and the Ministry of Health that will allow the entry of about 60 veterans who were excluded from the benefits.

Minister Grieve remarked: “This is a right and in the different instances of dialogue that we have held, it was clear that all parties involved understand that A solution had to be given to the entry of these ex-combatants with recognition from the province, both for the pension system and the health system.”; and he added: “That is why the Ministry of Health is putting available for final organization together with the Caja and the Iosper to be able to implement it as soon as possible.”

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