What is “PAR”, the digital currency adopted by an NGO from San Juan and that seeks to revolutionize buying and selling in times of crisis

What is “PAR”, the digital currency adopted by an NGO from San Juan and that seeks to revolutionize buying and selling in times of crisis
What is “PAR”, the digital currency adopted by an NGO from San Juan and that seeks to revolutionize buying and selling in times of crisis

The economic crisis hits everyone and, as usually happens in difficult times, ideas appear to try to cope and get ahead. In this sense, today an innovative local digital currency called “PAR” was presented to society. The San Juan Country Housewives Association did it together with the former mayor of San Martín Cristian Andino, who began to apply it in that department during the pandemic.

As they explained, it was designed to revolutionize the exchange of goods and services, since it allows producers, artisans, entrepreneurs and service providers to trade without incurring financial costs.


-It is a solidarity exchange system, based on mutual trust, that facilitates access to goods and services.

-Whoever enters receives a loan of 10,000 pairs, equivalent to 10,000 pesos, where the beneficiary does not need a salary receipt or guarantee or anything.

-It has Blockchain technology, guaranteeing security and traceability in each transaction.

-Aims for a “collaborative” economy.

-The “PAR” application is under the management of MUTUAL PAR, an entity dedicated to the well-being of its members.

“It is based on trust, there has to be someone responsible who controls, whoever joins is a person of good faith, where I offer what I produce, they pay me with this currency and I can buy a good,” Andino explained.


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