More than three thousand students made the Environmental Pledge at Delmi – News

Law 8,011/17 establishes that fifth grade students must carry out the Environmental Promise Act through which they commit to carrying out various care, promotion and awareness actions.

Within this framework and, led by the mayor, Emiliano Durand, this event was held today at the Delmi sports stadium.

Ramiro Ragna, general director of Environmental Education, highlighted “the commitment of all the educational institutions that participated” and specified that “in total there were 50 and around 3,500 students who made the promise.”

Marina Benítez, teacher, expressed her “joy for being able to participate and that the boys and girls have been part of this promise at Delmi” and explained that “previously the students learned various techniques for recycling and recovering waste to prevent it from becoming garbage and damage the environment.

The activity was attended by the mascots of the Police Road Safety Division, the Muñequitos batucada and a parade of costumes and elements made with recycled material.

It is important to highlight that the Environmental Promise Act was declared of municipal interest by the Deliberative Council.

The Minister of Education, Cristina Fiore, participated in the event; the president of the Deliberative Council, Darío Madile; and the author of said Law, the former provincial deputy, Ramón Villa; councilors and officials of the Ministry of Environment and Public Services of the Municipality.


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