Entre Ríos relaunched the Oral Health Campaign in schools

Entre Ríos relaunched the Oral Health Campaign in schools
Entre Ríos relaunched the Oral Health Campaign in schools

In this regard, Governor Rogelio Frigerio explained that the oral health plan is being relaunched “because prevention is better than cure and, furthermore, it is much cheaper. In times of fiscal and financial tightness like the one we are experiencing, we have to redouble our efforts in prevention; and prevention starts from the little ones“, he noted.

He specified that the relaunch is being done in a school, because “it is the center of the most important issues that happen in a community,” and indicated that this plan will be resumed, that “I do not understand why it was stopped more than a decade ago.” , which has to do with prevention, with teaching something as basic as brushing your teeth.

The event, which was attended by Vice Governor Alicia Aluani; from the Minister of Health, Guillermo Grieve; and the head of the General Council of Education, Alicia Fregonese, was developed in the school No. 190 Bishop Gelabert y Crespofrom the provincial capital, where activities related to the promotion of oral health began in all Entre Ríos schools for the current school year.

It should be noted that Provincial Law No. 9813 is in force, which establishes the “School Oral Health Program for children and adolescents included in the educational system of the Province of Entre Ríos.” This aims to promote oral health in the educational field and is implemented through the Oral Health Card.

To comply with the provisions of this law, the Directorate of Dentistry created the Network of School Dentists (Rodes)whose mission is to accompany educational establishments throughout the province in monitoring students, so that they keep their dental check-ups up to date. This network is made up of about 300 dentists.


Next, Grieve remarked: “It is very important to resume this program that was there a long time ago and that is based on prevention as a starting point. We know that this is going to be an articulated work between Health and Education where oral care is encouraged from first grade “. And he concluded: “We understand that health prevention will result in healthy people from Entre Ríos.”

In turn, the general director of Hospitals and representative of Dentistry, Ricardo García, highlighted that oral health is not only important for physiological aspects: “We develop many vital functions with our mouth. Eating, speaking, smiling, and gesturing” .

In that sense, regarding the relevance of developing the strategy in educational establishments, he stated: “School is the ideal environment for acquiring habits at an early age. Therefore, the promotion of oral health will be in charge of “More than 300 dentists distributed throughout the province, who will carry out speaking activities for parents, teachers and students, and will carry out the control of oral health cards.”

It should be noted that as part of the actions to promote oral health, Rodes dentists will provide advice on foods that should be sold in healthy kiosks or canteens in schools.

The director of School No. 190 Obispo Gelabert y Crespo, Edgar Centurión, and the educational community were present at the event.

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