Villa Belgrano y Argüello: Villata denounced that the draft ordinance allows commercial and service activities on the coast of the Suquía River – WRITTEN – Córdoba

Councilor Graciela Villata (Civico Front, Together for Change) denounced this morning, at the meeting of the General Legislation commission, that the ruling party’s draft ordinance to establish new rules for real estate development in Villa Belgrano, Argüello and Parque Modelo , allows “commercial and service activities on the coast of the Suquía River.”

Villata read article 7, referring to the urban development character of zone F – the one that extends on the bank of the Suquía River, in front of the General San Martín Reserve, up to the Villa Warcalde bridge -, which says verbatim: “Area intended for be consolidated with residential use with individual, grouped and collective housing, subject to particular conditions. Commercial and service activities aimed at the neighborhood and/or sector population. Area that presents environmental characteristics necessary to preserve, due to its condition on the environmental urban frontage of the Suquía River. Maximum restrictions on the establishment of industrial or similar activities.”


And he added that “there may be commercial and service activities on the river bank. They’re going to make a mess. If the previous ordinance destroyed Villa Belgrano, what they plan to do in zone F is going to be much worse.”

The councilor insisted on listening to the neighbors about their proposals and questioned that here “there is a manifest lack of planning on the part of the municipality. With this scheme they propose, going neighborhood by neighborhood, we are going to have 560 urban development ordinances in Córdoba.”

Fourth quarterFourth quarter

Then he said that “the Executive Department is moving forward with ordinances that satisfy the interests of the municipality without responding to the serious problems that Villa Belgrano has today with the existing urban explosion. “Villa Belgrano does not have the corresponding infrastructure to support each of the construction authorizations that have been made in the area.”


Finally, he expressed that “neither the neighbors nor the developers agree with the rule. This means that the Executive Branch does not have the power to reconcile two positions that are so different. The project he presents does not satisfy either one or the other.”


SEE Córdoba: A pro-development ordinance project advances for Villa Belgrano and part of Argüello.

SEE Córdoba: “The draft ordinance will help destroy Villa Belgrano, Argüello and other neighborhoods in the Northwest area.”



Villa Belgrano is a residential neighborhood, located northwest of the city. Its limits are marked by the Suquía River to the south and east; Recta Martinoli Avenue to the north; and Lasalle Street to the west. However, in the official legislative initiative its western limit is extended to Tomás Garzón Street.

In the last decade, its physiognomy, environmental context and lifestyle have been progressively transformed with the so-called “Housing” and real estate developments, some of them called “high-rise”, with more than two floors, a limit established for this area. Commercial and service development has also intensified.



The San Martín Urban Natural Reserve was created in 2009. Previously it was the San Martín Park. It is located in the northwest of the city of Córdoba and has an area of ​​114 hectares framed by the Suquía River and the Maestro Sur Canal.

It is the only protected area in the city. Its biological value is given because it corresponds to a transition zone between two ecoregions: El Espinal and Chaco Serrano.

Within this small territory full of life, there is a native forest and it is the habitat, among others, of 17 species of reptiles; 6 amphibians; 9 mammals; and 177 birds. 14 species of fish also inhabit the Suquía River, 12 are native and 2 are introduced.


SEE Córdoba: The municipality continues not to listen to the neighbors and tries to move forward with a project tailored to the developers.

SEE Córdoba: They ask Passerini to “govern for the residents of the city and not for the developers.”

SEE Villa Belgrano: The municipality tries to avoid the judicial scenario and gets the Justice to give it “extra time.”

SEE Villa Belgrano: The neighbors rejected, in the Deliberative Council, the project that allows buildings to be built in front of the Suquía.

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