Valparaíso: Sports and neighborhood groups will present projects for more than $500 million to the Municipality of Buenos Aires

  • Improvements to community headquarters and acquisition of equipment are the main wishes of Buenos Aires leaders.

In a day held at the Municipal Theater of Valparaíso, hundreds of representatives from different neighborhood associations and sports clubs were part of the launch of the 2024 version of the Neighborhood and Sports Development Funds (Fondeve and Fondeporte); grant of more than $500,000,000 that is distributed among applicant organizations that meet the required requirements.

After being consulted regarding the destination of said funds, many agreed to carry out community projects and improvements to their corporate headquarters.

Patricio Hernández, secretary of the Guillermo Rivera Sports Club, belonging to the Osmán Pérez Freire Association, announced that “we want to continue the other projects. For example, we have a football school open to boys and girls, and we want to continue with that. In addition, we are promoting the women’s team that participates in the women’s league organized by the municipality.”

Likewise, Rosa Aracena, president of the JJVV 189 Variante Las Palmas de Placeres Alto, explained that the funds will be allocated to “infrastructure and equipment” and that these opportunities “seem great to me because we as an organization, as such, would not have the funds that “We would not have the funds provided by Fondeve for what we want to do at the headquarters.”


Valparaíso: Sports and neighborhood groups will present projects for more than $500 million to the Municipality of Buenos AiresIt should be noted that, in the case of the Sports Development Fund, applications can be made from June 24 to July 1. And, for its part, for Fondeve, the available period will be from July 1 to the 8th of that month.

Regarding how this process will be carried out, the director of Community Development, Carla Meyer, explained that “the Municipal Zone Offices (OMZ) and the Sports Department will disseminate, train and explain how to fill out the form so that all organizations can apply this year. “It is good news for Valparaíso that with $500 million, distributed between Fondeve and Fondeporte, we will be able to award the good ideas that the community has for the city.”

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