They identified the author of two crimes thanks to the collaboration of the Firmat Monitoring Center

They identified the author of two crimes thanks to the collaboration of the Firmat Monitoring Center
They identified the author of two crimes thanks to the collaboration of the Firmat Monitoring Center

Last week, the Firmat municipal Monitoring Center collaborated in the individualization of a subject who had committed a crime in a business; and the same thing happened this Wednesday when, thanks to the images provided, the “arrest the person responsible for two events, based on the complaints made and at the request of the Firmat Fiscal Unit”reported the municipal government.

And they detailed that one of the crimes occurred in a business located in Carlos Casado at 900 and the other in Buenos Aires between Independencia and Libertad.

“Now justice seeks to determine if the author of these crimes is the same one who committed a crime in the same way last week,” they point out in relation to the robbery that occurred on Córdoba Street between Independencia and Sarmiento.

“It should be remembered that the cameras are a tool of the municipal government that contributes to the work of the police and justice, in fact their mere presence does not prevent events, but rather the patrolling and prevention actions carried out by the security forces,” They stand out from the municipality.

As reported, on Wednesday afternoon, in the early hours of the morning, Radioelectric Command personnel from the city of Firmat apprehended an 18-year-old young man, who caused damage to two businesses and tried to steal belongings.

The police intervention began after a call from the municipal Monitoring Center to the 911 emergency service, stating that in a business located on Carlos Casado Street they heard noises of breaking glass.

At that moment, another call was received about broken glass in a business on 700 Buenos Aires Street. The same situation again.

Thanks to the collaboration of the Monitoring Center, which was able to see the suspect with the naked eye, and by order of the prosecutor, the agents were present at the young man’s home and proceeded to arrest him.

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