The challenges of local governments in the 21st century

The challenges of local governments in the 21st century
The challenges of local governments in the 21st century

This Thursday, June 6, San Juan became the venue for a transcendental event for the future of public management in the country, under the motto Argentina from the Interior, the challenges of local governments in the 21st century.”

The activity took place at the Viñas del Sol Hotel and was organized by the Municipality of Chimbas, with the participation of different municipalities in the country: Municipality of Fray Mamerto Esquiú, Catamarca; Municipality of General Lamadrid, La Rioja; Municipality of General Pico, La Pampa; Municipality of Cura Brochero, Córdoba; Municipality of Capilla del Monte, Córdoba; Municipality of Miramar de Ansenuza, Córdoba; Municipality of Pérez, Santa Fe; Municipality of the City of San Juan; and Municipality of Rivadavia, San Juan.

These government institutions seek to make visible the work that is carried out in both small towns and large cities in Argentina, giving strength to the interior provinces and their communes.

At the event, prominent personalities from the different regions spoke, who will share their experiences and management models.

They will address issues related to social inclusion, sustainability, citizen security and community participation, with the aim of building a more inclusive and equitable Argentina from its local foundations.


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