Young but very aware | The Rioja

The students of the Alcaste-Las Fuentes de Nalda educational center returned this Thursday to the banks of the Iregua to collect the garbage thrown in nature. Around 300 Primary, ESO and Baccalaureate students filled dozens of bags with, above all, containers, plastics, cans and bottles, but also tires, two radios, pieces of uralite and even a toilet. All in just two hours of work.

«Cleaning the river is very important for our planet. We have found quite a few things,” explained Valentina Morales, an ESO student. “We have found a rug, a plate, plastic, a giant cardboard, an orange rope… This is how we take care of nature because some people are very dirty,” said Manuel Rueda, a Primary student. «The world is a mess, we have to take better care of it. “I thought it was going to be less dirty,” added Millán Reguera. “In my group we have found many cans, a bottle, yogurts… A lot of things!” said Aritz Arana.

It was not the first time that Alcaste-Las Fuentes went to clean the banks of the Iregua, they already did it in 2022, within the Educational Centers towards Sustainability project, with the aim of improving the environment and returning to nature part of what we contributes, and it is impressive to see how in just two years it is possible to find so much garbage in nature. “From Primary to the first year of Baccalaureate, everyone is pitching in, collecting all the waste in the area, especially those that may be more dangerous for the fauna,” declared Hugo González, professor of Biology at Alcaste-Las Fuentes. .

Transcend families

«What the students express after the activity is surprise and disgust because they come to a very beautiful environment, but you search a little and you find everything. It is very surprising that we are so filthy and leave what bothers us in our pockets,” said Hugo González. So the activity not only serves the obvious purpose, which is to clean, but also to raise awareness and set an example. And in a very short time, and in just a couple of kilometers, along both banks, they collected everything and deposited it in the containers at the foot of the Trujal road, next to the LR-255.

«We have divided the area by classes. The other time we came we took a bicycle and a shopping cart out of the river, things that should not be there,” said the Biology teacher, although what is always found most are plastic containers. “It is very difficult to get rid of plastic, which in the end goes into the river and ends up in the sea,” González lamented. But this activity is intended to change that, to make young people aware. «We want this to transcend families. With primary school children we cannot achieve great things, but if they realize the evil and the good that we can do, we are satisfied,” says the Biology teacher.


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