Violent assault on a businessman at the Producers Market: they beat him and stole a significant sum of money

Violent assault on a businessman at the Producers Market: they beat him and stole a significant sum of money
Violent assault on a businessman at the Producers Market: they beat him and stole a significant sum of money

They violently assaulted a businessman at the Producers Market

On Thursday afternoon there was a large theft at the Farmers Market. The victim, a man 56 yearsreported that when he arrived at his warehouse, he got out of his car and was attacked by two men dressed in dark clothing.

The assailants, armedthey beat him and stole a box and a medium-sized briefcase that contained a large sum of pesos and several thousand dollars.

The man tried to resist, and apparently one of the criminals shot several times into the air. Subsequently, The thieves fled quickly and jumped over the perimeter fence.

Carlos Otherpresident of the Santa Fe Producers Market, reported that the incident occurred around 2 p.m., when the businessman entered the Market property and when parking his car in the northwest sector, behind the storage sheds, two people surprised him and They attacked him.

Read more: Pompeya Oeste neighborhood: chase, shooting and arrests, including a minor

In addition, he explained that the victim suffered a injury to the forehead and behind the earsso he did not request medical assistance.

“D.Unfortunately these things cannot be foreseen, especially on a busy day. “I work where there is a large circulation of vehicles and everything occurs in great confusion,” Otrino pointed out. In this regard, he assured that, from now on, the space will implement new security measures.


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