Weretilneck rose one step in the ranking – ADN

Weretilneck rose one step in the ranking – ADN
Weretilneck rose one step in the ranking – ADN

(ADN).- The consulting firm CB published the ranking of governors. Maximiliano Pullaro, Ignacio Torres and Osvaldo Jaldo in the top three. Alberto Weretilneck is in 21st place and registered an improvement since the last measurement. The Buenos Aires president, Axel Kicillof, remains at the bottom of the table.

In Río Negro, President Javier Milei has a 49.2% positive image, although it continues to decline in 14 provinces. One of the worst-ranked mayors is Walter Cortés from Bariloche.

The consultancy divides its measurement into three categories: the best 8, the middle 8 and the worst 8.

The three best-rated governors for the month of JUNE 2024 by their co-provincials are: Maximiliano Pullaro from Santa Fe with 64.2% leading the ranking, in second place was Ignacio Torres from Chubut with 64.0%, and Osvaldo Jaldo from Tucumán closed this podium with 63.7% positive image.

The worst qualified this month are: Axel Kicillof from the Province of Buenos Aires with 40.3%, coming in last place, followed by Ricardo Quintela from La Rioja with 41.2% and Gustavo Sáenz from Salta with 44.5% positive image.

The Head of State who grew the most compared to our last measurement was Alberto Weretilneck (+3.1%), while Hugo Passalacqua of Misiones was the one who fell the most (-5.4%).


President Javier Milei lowers his image in 14 of the 24 provinces compared to the month of May. The highest positive image is found this month in the province of Córdoba (64.8%), while the lowest image is obtained in the province of Santiago del Estero (41.5%).

The district where it fell the most compared to the previous measurement was the Province of Buenos Aires (-3.5%) and where it grew the most was the province of Córdoba (+2.9%).


The three Mayors at the federal level best valued by their neighbors in the month of JUNE are: Gustavo Sastre from Puerto Madryn (58.1%), followed by Roger Nediani from La Banda (57.7%) and Leandro Stelatto from Posadas (57.5%).

The three Mayors with the worst image in their city this month are: Walter Vuoto from the city of Ushuaia (37.7%) coming in last place, followed by Armando Molina from La Rioja (39.6%) and Walter Cortez from Bariloche (40.5%) .

The Mayor whose image grew the most compared to our last measurement was Julio Alak from La Plata (+2.2%), while Mariano Gaido from Neuquén was the one who fell the most (-3.5%).

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