Governor Rafael Martínez delivered food aid to affected families in Apure and announced immediate intervention with yellow machinery to prevent new floods

Governor Rafael Martínez delivered food aid to affected families in Apure and announced immediate intervention with yellow machinery to prevent new floods
Governor Rafael Martínez delivered food aid to affected families in Apure and announced immediate intervention with yellow machinery to prevent new floods

With the delivery of more than 200 solidarity markets, 100 mats, 150 cooking kits and specialized medical support with the ‘Médico En Tu Casa’ program, the governor of Magdalena, Rafael Martínez, through an immediate reaction plan, visited the area affected by the natural phenomenon, where 89 homes were flooded. Martínez responded to the people who trust the Governments of Change, bringing answers and solutions, governing from the territories, close to the majorities as never before 2020 occurred in this department. This Change is with Results.

The governor of Magdalena, Rafael Martínez, visited the town of Apure, bringing answers, solutions, to the calamity that the people were experiencing. It is from the territories, with the majorities, with the peasants, with the ranchers, that it is governed, not from the desk or the comfort of the offices as happened in the time of the clans. This Change since 2020 for the department is with Results.

By express order of Governor Martínez, through an immediate reaction plan, food aid and basic elements were delivered, and a specialized medical care roadmap was activated with the ‘Médico En Tu Casa’ program, this as support to the municipal administration of Plato, first responder to the crisis situation.

The president of the people of Magdalen attended to the more than 326 people who were affected by the overflow or loss of the channel of the ‘Niño Rodríguez’ stream and the ‘Chimicuica’ stream, supplying a total of 200 solidarity markets during the afternoon of this Thursday, 100 mats and 150 kitchen kits.

Along with this, 115 physical points were installed in which the basic teams of the Fray Luis de León Hospital provide healing services for minor wounds, anti-tetanus vaccines and basic pathology medications.

“Faced with this situation not seen in more than forty years, together with the Plato mayor’s office we are coordinating the immediate implementation of our yellow machinery that will allow us, as a first measure, the construction of a containment dam to protect these communities during this period. of winter that we face and not suffer again. The second thing is to work on the structural solution with the Yuma road concession company in terms of lifting the road as alternatives or others,” said Governor Rafael Martínez.

It is worth mentioning that, from the Departmental Administration, through the Office for Risk Management and Climate Change of Magdalena, they continuously monitor the community of the town of Apure, from the day the emergency was registered, with accompaniment to the process. evacuation of the victims and carrying out a total census of the affected families.

With the bank of yellow machinery of the Government, acquired by former governor Carlos Caicedo, actions are carried out on the road that connects Apure with Chibolo and to prevent these tributaries from leaving their channel. While the politicking attacked and attributed responsibilities that do not correspond to this government, the entire cabinet, headed by Governor Martínez himself, has been together with the victims.

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