Francisco Azcué calls for building consensus to face the challenges in Concordia – El Heraldo

Francisco Azcué calls for building consensus to face the challenges in Concordia – El Heraldo
Francisco Azcué calls for building consensus to face the challenges in Concordia – El Heraldo

He assured that this agreement must include sectors of Peronism and admitted that he would summon former mayor Enrique Cresto. “There are many things that were done well. And there are many things that are missing, because there are things that need time to develop. But we cannot remain permanently in criticism, in fights, in looking for culprits. We must move forward,” he assured. In a radio dialogue, the mayor of Concordia, Francisco Azcué, addressed the challenges of his management in a complicated macroeconomic context and growing social deterioration. Azcué stressed the importance of building consensus and political and institutional agreements to work together for the well-being of the city. He recognized achievements of the previous administration and emphasized the urgency of confronting poverty and drug trafficking. He also confirmed possible changes in his cabinet and highlighted the need for an efficient and present State.
Azcué explained that the management faced difficulties from the beginning due to the significant drop in revenue and the floods that affected the city. “Collection has fallen more than 35%, and that forces us to prioritize and take care of resources even more,” he stated. Despite these challenges, the mayor assured that the situation has been stabilized and progress has been made on several important projects.
The mayor highlighted the importance of dialogue and consensus to overcome difficulties. “We have to stop messing around with fights and seek consensus. That agreement must include all Concordians, working for our city,” he stressed.
Azcué also recognized positive aspects of the previous management, such as the acquisition of machinery that facilitates the maintenance of streets and other services. However, he emphasized that more equipment is still needed to meet all the city’s needs.
Regarding the possibility of changes in the cabinet, the mayor indicated that these are always possible and necessary to ensure efficient management. “No one is indispensable. The important thing is to have a municipality that functions better and better,” he expressed.
Finally, Azcué called for joining efforts to confront drug trafficking and other serious problems that affect the community. “There you have to be handsome, to denounce and work from every place to combat this scourge,” he concluded.
Azcué highlighted that in the coming days more details will be given about the progress of the agreements and the call to all institutions and sectors of society to work together for Concordia.


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