The Córdoba Construction Cluster warned about the dramatic reality of the sector – Commerce and Justice

The Córdoba Construction Cluster, made up of the Argentine Chamber of Construction – Córdoba Delegation; Business Chamber of Urban Developers Córdoba; Chamber of Metallurgical and Components Industries of Córdoba; Chamber of Wood, Furniture and Equipment of Córdoba; Chamber of Industrialists in Precast Portland Cements; Córdoba Mining Business Chamber; Argentine Concrete Association; Uecara del Interior and the Córdoba Construction Workers Union; issued a very harsh statement that warns about the dramatic reality of the sector and requests urgent assistance from public powers. The document reads as follows:
«We understand it is imperative to make known the serious situation in which the sector is immersed at all its levels and scope, suppliers, operators, technicians, professionals and beneficiaries.
The construction industry (whether public or private) is undoubtedly one of the most important drivers of the economy. It mobilizes and drives a large number of sectors that bring work, production, progress, advancement, infrastructure and development for the entire community; as well as dignify and increase the quality of life of people.
Investment in public works, by national measures, faces stagnation at levels never before seen.
For its part, the lack of clear regulations, the economic-financial uncertainty and the constant emergence of judicial measures in order to stop private and public undertakings that comply with current regulations, both at the municipal, provincial and national level; They have also produced an alarming decrease in private investments, which choose to generate development in other places where legal security is an essential condition.
The construction industry today suffers a historic stoppage that involves all actors and sectors, resulting in unemployment, poor development, poverty, little access to essential services, violating private property and, above all, the current constitutional regulations that It forces us, as those who know the situation, to strive for the progress and advancement of the country. The thing is that “sustainable development” implies first and foremost, the commitment to future generations to tend towards development without forgetting sustainability.
In accordance with the above, we alert the authorities responsible for the exercise of public power of the situation in which the sector is immersed and which, in the short term, will have repercussions to the detriment of Córdoba families and, in the long term, to the
future generations who not only have the constitutional right to a healthy, balanced environment; but also to a prosperous country with thriving industries, with decent housing, with the corresponding economic and social infrastructure, full
of job opportunities and in constant and planned development.


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