Cuban President tours areas of economic and productive interest in Guáimaro

Camagüey, June 7.- On the fifth visit of the President of the Republic and first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, he arrived at the Guáimaro municipality to evaluate the implementation of the development strategy for 2024 in the territory.

Accompanied by the organization secretary of the CCPCC, Roberto Morales Ojeda, he exchanged with workers with economic and productive objectives where the delegation was able to verify the plans to diversify lines and increase productive standards.

ed38f44e0c.jpgIn the Las Mercedes base business unit, belonging to the Rectángulo company founded by Fidel, he confirmed the projections to improve performance. The entity is dedicated to various crops, obtaining seeds and raising livestock.

In the place, livestock areas that were lost are recovered and they begin to promote the breeding of bull, sheep and rabbit fattening and work on the development of pastures. With 35 workers you power the cultivation of cassava, banana and sweet potato.

The delegation, accompanied by the highest authorities of the Party and the Government in the province, was in areas belonging to the Geominera Camagüey Company, which has the Jacinto gold mine in this territory, and they were able to verify with the leaders of the sector here the institutional management which is carried out to organize and take optimal advantage of the extraction of the mineral, as well as the attention to the personnel who work there, which achieves encouraging results even with a lack of inputs.

In the exchange, Díaz-Canel also learned about the extensive and promising mining capacity of Camagüey, which in addition to gold includes, chrome, with a mine in operation, the nickel reserves on the San Felipe plateau, and other resources, in addition to non-metallic minerals such as zeolite, quartz and different variants offered by limestone.

The preparation and implementation of this site improved the living conditions in the surrounding neighborhoods, where it has become a source of employment, while the improvement of the roads and the revival of the settlement is a source of satisfaction for more than 1,000 people living in the area.

The President was also in the Museum that recreates the constituent history of the country. This place has special relevance because it stands right where the signing of the first constitution of the Republic in Arms occurred 155 years ago.

In his first stay at the place, declared a national monument in 1982, the First Secretary pointed out that it is a space full of history where the democratic principles that today mark the Cuban nation were first defended and also because of the significance they give there to the work of the Cuban woman in the Revolution with the memory of the figure of Ana Betancourt.

In addition, he pointed out that this is a very beautiful municipality that must be taken care of because there is a lot of history, it is a charming place and they have to defend it like the mambises did.

Regarding the positive examples of work, he pointed out that “everything we recover and do, we have to do it with the concept of being sustainable.” (Text: Carmen Luisa Hernández Loredo/Radio Cadena Agramonte collaborator, photos: Alex López/TV Camagüey and Radio Guáimaro)

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