La Rioja registered a historical record during the high tourism season

According to representatives of the Chamber of Tourism of La Rioja, The province maintained high tourist demand from Easter to August, a period considered high season.. During long weekends, La Rioja has become a favorite destination for tourists looking to escape from big cities like Buenos Aires and Córdoba..

The Chilecito Tourism Observatory revealed a significant increase in the arrival of visitors from various regions of the country, including the Litoral. Traditionally, La Rioja received tourists mainly from Santa Fe, Córdoba and the Federal Capital. However, this year there was a increase in visitors from Mendoza, San Juan and other parts of the country.

This diversification in the origin of tourists reflects the promotional efforts made by the province. In addition to national campaigns, La Rioja actively participated in international initiatives through the Ente Norte and the National Institute for Tourism Promotion (INPROTUR). As part of these missions, the province promoted Argentina in international markets, achieving a prominent presence in Brazil, Uruguay and various European countries, including Spain, Germany and France.

Participation in international fairs and missions allowed La Rioja to attract a broader and more diverse audience, consolidating its reputation as an attractive and accessible tourist destination. Local authorities hope that this growth will continue in the coming months, strengthening the local economy and promoting the sustainable development of the region.

Provincial tourism

The Federal Investment Council (CFI), the Public Guarantee Fund of La Rioja (FOGAPLAR) and Banco Rioja announced the introduction of new lines of promotion aimed at provincial tourism. These initiatives were presented during an event in which the Minister of Tourism and Culture, Gustavo Lunahighlighted its importance in a national context of transformations.

Notably These financing lines proposed by the CFI offer credits with rates subsidized by the provincial government, reaching up to a 50% subsidy and an annual rate of 20% for the beneficiary.. These loans, backed by FOGAPLAR and Banco Rioja, have a maximum limit of up to 120 million pesos and are specifically aimed at the tourism sector. Financing options include the acquisition of solar panels, irrigation systems for agrotourism, lines aimed at female entrepreneurs and a line called “value chain”, which covers accommodation, regional gastronomy, tourism providers, transportation and adventure tourism, among other sectors.

From the Industrial Policies Directorate of the CFI They highlighted that these credits also cover the construction of cabins, furniture, white goods for accommodation and other types of investments.. For its part, the Ministry of Tourism stressed the importance of continuing to work in difficult times and with few public policies at the national level, highlighting tools such as “Movete por La Rioja”, the Observatory and the Strategic Tourism Plan, as well as this Tourism Plan. Development supported by FOGAPLAR and CFI to support the tourism sector.

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