Thanks to this key, the dog prevented his family from being a victim of robbery in Bogotá

Thanks to this key, the dog prevented his family from being a victim of robbery in Bogotá
Thanks to this key, the dog prevented his family from being a victim of robbery in Bogotá

The story of Dante, a brave little dog who thwarted a robbery of which his family was a victim in the Jazmín neighborhood, in the town of Puente Aranda (Bogotá), has gone viral. The animal, after receiving the order to “attack”, launched itself at the thieves and took them out, literally, running.

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The action that the dog did last holiday Monday, June 3, 2024, was captured on video. In an interview with Noticias Caracol Ahora, John, Dante’s owner, provided details of his pet’s impressive heroic action.

John explained that, around 9:00 at night, he was arriving home, this after a trip. As usual, he proceeded to store his car in the garage of the house, without realizing that three thieves were waiting to try to steal it.

“The street was alone, I made sure there were no strange people and I prepared to put the vehicle away. The cameras and video recorded the moment when some criminals, perhaps, were already chasing me, they were watching me.”said the victim of the frustrated robbery in Bogotá.

He mentioned that “before he went to close the gate, one of them entered with a weapon and two others were accompanying him.”

How did Dante care for and protect him?

They asked him to give them the keys and, since he didn’t understand what was happening, they hit him on the head. “I reacted by handing over the keys, I didn’t put up any resistance. At that moment my dog ​​heard that the thief was intimidating me and came to my side. At that moment, I just thought of saying: ‘Dante, attack.’ “The dog reacted by defending”.

“The dog comes out scaring these three criminals all over the main avenue,” John specified.

Dante was able to react to this order thanks to the fact that since childhood he was taught “minor actions like shaking hands, sitting down, and I educated him so that when I said that word (attack), he would react against the person who is approaching me.”

It is not the first time that Dante takes care of him

John explained that although Dante “has not taken a course in self-defense or dog training, he is a very family dog and my family has always loved him very much because he is the guardian of the house.”

In the past, Dante attacked another person who tried to attack John while he was walking down the street.

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