Papers in order for the PJ, which now faces the main challenge: arriving united at the polls in Río Negro

The PJ completed its administrative normalization phase yesterday in Río Negro, with the appointment of the 17 members of the party Council. Now the most complex stage begins, which means transform that formal harmony into a solid political path of unity, to be a valid alternative in the 2025 and 2027 elections.

After the first step that was taken at the end of March in the Middle Valley, with the renewal of Congressional authorities, The second goal for provincial Justicialism was to resolve the authorities of its executive body.

That space has 17 members and in yesterday’s meeting Cervantes defined himself the ratification of Sergio Hernández as president of the party.

The vice presidency of the PJ was left in the hands of José Luis Berrosa fact that adds evidence of the agreement between the sectors led by Senator Martín Doñate and Deputy Martín Soria.

Alejandra Mas, currently a Mercosur parliamentarian, was in charge of the General Secretariat and the mayor of Catriel, Daniela Salzotto, was elected head of the Municipal Secretariat, replicating that distribution of spaces in an equal manner.

Of course, Peronism has more internal sectors and that is where the main political goal for the new leadership appears, which must now go in search of those who in recent years have opened different paths, dissatisfied with the strategies defined by the majority groups.

The same day yesterday showed how difficult this construction will be in search of the greatest possible unity.

Former deputy Silvia Horne, candidate for governor last year representing Peronism that was not part of the Great Agreement with JSRN, issued new signs of distance with “the two Martíns”, as he usually calls them.

“We have to turn the page and move forward. In Peronism there is no one left over. We have to call both those with experience and new sectors,” Berros countered in dialogue with RÍO NEGRO Newspaper.

The legislator, who presides over the Vamos con Todos bloc, met last weekend with his colleague Ana Marks, one of the leaders closest to Doñate.

At that meeting progress was made with the design of yesterday’s meeting in Cervantes and the importance of close the wounds of 2023where verbal darts were constantly crossed, along with the judicial bid for the PJ’s seal.

“We have to call on all those who want to put together a serious alternative government. That’s going to be my task. It’s time to start showing your facedespite the fact that some bitter moment appears along the way,” Berros added, aware of the criticism that may arise for reuniting with those who were recently called “traitors.”

«Without 2025 it is very difficult for there to be 2027»

Hernández, mayor of Lamarque, expressed himself along the same lines, encouraging coincidences despite the recent past and the differences that may still persist, convinced that “Without 2025 it is very difficult for there to be 2027.”

The president of the PJ affirmed that the need to contribute to a national project that puts limits on the policies of the national government of Javier Milei is more important than the disagreements of the last provincial electoral process and that this should be the guide for the future supporter.

“We have a lot of faith and we are working so that we can reconvene all our colleagues, for a great unity, beyond or even with our differencesbecause we understand that the situation of the country and the province is more important,” he said.

Hernández valued the work of Doñate and Soria in Congress, because “they are showing that they defend the people of Rio Negro in this difficult time that the country is going through.”

“We are going to go with those flags, which Justicialism always had, defending the people of Rio Negro, the rights achieved and the work of the Argentines,” he stated about the new stage of the PJ.

Asked about the link with the provincial government, the mayor said that “the institutional relationship continuessome in a more oiled way than others and always respecting the sense of belonging of each party.”

However, he was convinced that “when we choose, we are all going to do this together” in Peronism and criticized Juntos Somos Río Negro, because “If we had made great agreements it would have been easier to go through these difficult times.”

Hernández said that the conditions were in place “to agree to see what we want for Río Negro and not defending one thing on one end and approving the opposite on another end.”.

There is nothing to exchange in the face of this national government that comes to bring the people of Rio Negro to their knees, that comes to destroy rights.

Document of the PJ Council on the Base Law

The 17 PJ advisors and their responsibilities

President: Sergio Hernandez.
Vice president: José Luis Berros.
General Secretary: Alejandra Más.
Political Action Secretariat: Hector Leineker.
Treasury: Claudia Montanaro.
Recording Secretary: Gerardo Martínez.
Municipal Affairs Secretariat: Daniela Salzotto.
Women’s Secretariat: María Eugenia Martini.
Planning Secretary Ana Marks.
Production Secretary: Alberto Pacenti.
Youth Secretary: Mauro Tamburrini.
Human Rights Secretariat: Natali Giordanella.
Secretariat of Institutional Relations: Rosa Oses.
Social Secretary: Fabián Pilquinao.
Environment Secretary: Natalia Vergara.
Deputy treasurer: Martin Castro.
Communication: Luis Ivancich.

The councilors and Soria, president of the PJ Congressional Board of Río Negro.

Let’s go with Everyone, with a differentiated agenda

In parallel, and still far from the official bodies of the PJ, the Peronist sector led by Silvia Horne and Leandro Costa Brutten met in the mountain area and advanced in a political confluence with the Including Bariloche party.

The members of the provincial formula of Vamos con Todos in 2023 analyzed the current scenario together with the president of the party and the Organized Community, Jaime Arce, convened by Andrea Galaverna.

“We refuse to resign ourselves,” they said in a subsequent statement, in which they criticized the national and provincial governments. “We were not wrong in clearly and coherently defining where to stand,” they emphasized.

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