Macri blamed Pedro Sánchez for “dragging the friendship” with Argentina and distanced himself from Milei’s fanaticism for Vox

Macri blamed Pedro Sánchez for “dragging the friendship” with Argentina and distanced himself from Milei’s fanaticism for Vox
Macri blamed Pedro Sánchez for “dragging the friendship” with Argentina and distanced himself from Milei’s fanaticism for Vox

The former president Mauricio Macri This Saturday, he came to the crossroads of the recent sayings of the president of the government of Spain, Pedro Sanchezwhom he questioned for “dragging the friendship” with Argentina for an “electoral strategy” and distanced himself from Javier Milei’s fanaticism for the far-right party Vox.

“It saddens me to see that President Sánchez drags the historical Argentine-Spanish friendship into his electoral strategy,” said the head of the PRO after the Spanish president closed the campaign for the European elections with the head of the CGT Héctor Daer.

In a new chapter in the fight between Sánchez and Milei, the Spanish president participated in one of the closing events of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) ahead of the European elections this Sunday and launched criticism against Milei for the closure of the Ministry of Women and the dissolution of the gender violence area, but issued questions against Macri.

Through a post on his social networks, the former president fired: “Slander against @ppopular, a party that made Spain what it is today and that was also one of the greatest sources of inspiration and support I had to create the @proargentina “.

“I think that The PP continues to be the best answer to the future of Spain. Thank you @marianorajoy @NunesFeijoo @IdiazAyuso for always cultivating friendship between our citizens,” Macri concluded.

The criticism from the former Argentine president came after Pedro Sánchez fired heavy ammunition against Milei’s government. “It is always difficult for us to see what is closer to us. What is happening in the United States and Argentina is more evident than what we are suffering in Spain, with a far-right coalition government in the communities. Social justice is not an aberration,” said the Spaniard. during a rally in Madrid.

“It is an aberration to see how the traditional right in Argentina and Spain open their governments to the extreme right. Because Milei would never have been president of Argentina if he had not had the support of Macri, that is, the traditional right in Argentina,” Sánchez continued. .

He thus responded to the description of “social justice” as an “aberration”, a phrase that the Argentine president usually repeats in his speeches and which he resorted to during his recent visit to Madrid to accompany the leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal.

In fact, the conflict with Spain escalated after Milei once again criticized Pedro Sánchez, without naming him, during the Europa Viva 24 summit, organized by Vox on May 19.

“Even if his wife is corrupt, he gets dirty and takes five days to think about it,” said the Argentine president about the weekend that the Spanish head of government took to define whether he would continue to lead the administration after complaints against his wife. , Begoña Gómez.

The complaints against the wife of the Spanish president are for having received alleged favors and for having allegedly recommended companies that later obtained funds or contracts with the State that come from an organization called Clean Hands.

It was not the only counterpoint with the European country, since prior to Milei’s trip the short circuits began when the Spanish Minister of Transportation, Oscar Puente, had hinted that Milei consumed “substances.”


Oscar Puente, from the PSOE, spoke about the Argentine president in a round table where social networks and politics were discussed.

At that time, the Office of the President of the Argentine Republic published on its networks a repudiation of “the slander and insults” uttered by the Spanish minister and recommended that the head of government of Spain deal with more urgent issues for his management such as the investigation. for alleged influence peddling involving his wife.

In response, the Government of Spain issued a brief six-line statement in which it “flatly” rejected the letter that the President’s Office released on social networks in response to Puente’s statements.

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