MinHacienda announces agreement with six marketers to lower energy rates

MinHacienda announces agreement with six marketers to lower energy rates
MinHacienda announces agreement with six marketers to lower energy rates


Within the framework of the Banking Convention in Cartagenahe Minister of Finance, Ricardo Bonillaannounced that a first agreement was reached with six marketing companies to lower energy rates in the country, through the payment that will be assumed by the National government of the “rate option” debt.

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The covered companies will assume resources that are authorized by the Development plan through Findeterwhich will be in charge of delivering the money as a debt or credit with compensated rate.

“The agreement is that one billion pesos were authorized in the development plan. There is a second billion pesos to be authorized, which is a decree that must be issued in 15 days, so the resources are there. The total rate option debt is 4.7 billion pesosbut in the strata 1,2 and 3 is 2.8 billionthat is what the National Government will assume,” Bonilla explained.

The Minister of Finance indicated that the marketing companies that took advantage of this agreement that will benefit strata 1,2 and 3 are Air-e and Afinia in the Caribbean region, Check, Norte de Santander Power Plants, Energía del Quindío and Vatia.

Air-e has already received the money, while the EPM subsidiary, Afinia You will receive the disbursement next week.

“The Findeter instrument is there, it is being delivered to you. The resource allocation process has a dead period of one year, so we are telling the marketers, lower the rate now, generate relief for the consumer households, remove it from the rate”, he asserted.

The National Government will take the next July 20 to the Congress of the republic the bill to assume Findeter’s debt that will allow relief in the rates.

Also read: It is a correct decision: Comptroller Carlos Zuluaga refers to budget cuts

It should be remembered that the Minister of Mines, Andrés Camachopointed out a few days ago that with the payment of the “rate option” component, Energy bills would present a reduction in the Caribbean region between 15 and 25%.

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