On the beaches of Santa Marta, they spotted a 2-meter needle caiman

On the beaches of Santa Marta, they spotted a 2-meter needle caiman
On the beaches of Santa Marta, they spotted a 2-meter needle caiman

The animal was on video, and residents of the city of Santa Marta were surprised when a needle caiman almost two meters long walked on the beaches in the south of the city.

The community and bathers claim that the reptile was sighted in several areas near the beach, including Playa Dormida, Bello Horizonte and Cabo Tortuga, which increased concern among the community.

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Given the sightings by the community, the authorities have deployed a team of biologists, but so far they have not found it.

Experts pointed out that, although it is not common to see this species of animal in this area, they have the ability to move through pipes and brackish waters.

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“The reptile appears to have temporarily found refuge in this area, possibly seeking its way back to its natural habitat, which is generally fresher than marine waters, where food resources are scarce,” said Miguel Manjarrez, a biologist with the Administrative Department of Dadsa Environmental Sustainability.

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