Violent day in Ibagué: four people were shot with firearms | ELOLFATO.COM

Violent day in Ibagué: four people were shot with firearms | ELOLFATO.COM
Violent day in Ibagué: four people were shot with firearms | ELOLFATO.COM

Ibagué lived an escalation of violence this Friday with four shootings that shocked different parts of the city.

Initially, around 8:00 in the morning, a man was shot in the El Salado sector, who died hours later in a hospital. (See: Hitman in Ibagué: they murdered a man who was walking on a public road)

Then, around 5:00 in the afternoon, a person traveling in a private vehicle He was the victim of an attack in the El Bosque neighborhood, lower part. The man was also taken to a care center where his death was confirmed.

Later, around 10:00 at night, Another shooting was reported to the authorities in the Las Ferias neighborhood, near the Tolima Liquor Factory. The victim was taken to a health center and, at the moment, her condition is unknown.

Finally, around 11:00 at night, They opened fire on a person in the Picaleña sector. The authorities cordoned off the place and, for the moment, the identity and state of health of the victim are unknown.

Thus, in less than 24 hours, four shootings were reported in Ibagué with a balance of, until now, two people dead. An official statement from the authorities is awaited.


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