Tumultuous fight ends in murder in Holguín

Tumultuous fight ends in murder in Holguín
Tumultuous fight ends in murder in Holguín

A riotous fight in a neighborhood in the city of Holguín ended in the murder of a young Cuban, reported the official Cazador-Cazado profile, close to the Ministry of the Interior (MININT).

According to the information, published on Facebook, the event occurred on the afternoon of June 5 in the Ramón Quintana neighborhood of the city of Holguin.

Two young men began to fight and then went out to look for knives to break up the fight.

Each one returned armed and accompanied by several boys; But at that moment a police patrol that was going to the place for another reason passed by, and the young people dispersed.

Facebook Post

Two companions of one of the young people who started the problem went to a dead-end street, “a moment that Jorge Ramón Martínez Ramírez (the other person in the problem) took advantage of,” to stab one of the boys.

“He had a knife and stuck it in the chest of one of them, dying at the scene,” the post states.

In a few hours and with the collaboration of the neighbors, the authorities managed to capture the perpetrator of the crime, he emphasizes.

The profile states that it is “a regrettable event, where the person who died was not the one who had started the dispute. Examples like this show what the end of a fight can be,” the publication states.

The growing violence in Cuba continues to take lives. This Friday the body, presumably murdered, of a young man who had been missing in Granma for a month appeared, and in May a man died after being fatally stabbed in the middle of the street in the city of Santiago de Cuba.

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