The tax petition arrives for the influencer Sulmira Martínez and is full of lies, her mother denounces

The tax petition arrives for the influencer Sulmira Martínez and is full of lies, her mother denounces
The tax petition arrives for the influencer Sulmira Martínez and is full of lies, her mother denounces

The Cuban regime could condemn the influencer Sulmira Martínez Pérez to ten years in prisonaccording to the tax request to which DIARIO DE CUBA had access. The document, in which the political prisoner is accused of “contempt” and “crime against the constitutional order”, is full of liesdenounces his mother, Norma Pérez Ferrer, when contacted by this editorial team.

“In the end, they are putting things that are true,” says Pérez Ferrer, who visited his daughter this Friday and assures that the young woman was very upset, more because of the uncertain accusations than because of the requested two-year sanctions for “contempt” and nine for “crime against the constitutional order”, and a joint of ten.

“That she communicated with (Facebook user) Yamila, Maceo’s daughter, is a lie. Yamila, Maceo’s, in a video that they themselves made, said that she did not know my daughter. That she paid my daughter $200 to make a Molotov cocktail so she could burn down the store in front of my house is a lie,” says Pérez Ferrer.

The Police searched his house to look for the bottles with which his daughter was supposedly going to make the Molotov cocktails to set the store on fire and which “were never found,” Pérez Ferrer emphasizes.

“In this country there is no bright light. What was the store going to burn down with?” asks the mother of the 22-year-old girl, who was imprisoned for more than a year without a prosecutor’s request.

Sulmira Martínez Pérez was arrested on January 10, 2023 and subject to provisional detention, the most severe of the precautionary measures with which they are insured in Cuba. those suspected of committing a crime, despite the fact that he lacked a criminal record, as the prosecutor’s request acknowledges.

His mother claims that it is also a lie that Yamila, Maceo’s daughter, paid her to put up posters. “That’s a lie, that never happened.”

“If she paid Sulmira all that money in dollars, I would have this house smoking and I don’t even have anywhere to sit. I am miserable, I go through tremendous work to bring a load to my daughter. I have nothing. Here They say things that make me crazy,” says the mother of the political prisoner.

However, he acknowledges that his daughter “incited people to take to the streets,” as stated in the prosecutor’s petition. The document cites messages published on Facebook by the influencer, known on social networks as Salem de Cuba, such as: “Cuba, how beautiful Cuba is, the one who governs it is Satan“; “The day we take the courage to stand up against them, that day we will have true happiness. Homeland and Life“, and “To the street until triumph. Homeland and Life”.

“She knows that and she tells me ‘Mom, it’s true that I said everyone should stop on the streets. That’s true. But that thing about her meeting with Maceo’s daughter… They are making my daughter look like a terrorist.’ , because setting fire is terrorism. And she has never been a terrorist,” Pérez Ferrer complains. “She defends the cause. If she doesn’t agree, she doesn’t agree.”

“She says she is prepared for everything, for the bad and for the good. Let them ask her what they ask her, but for what she did, not for lies. That’s what she says. She doesn’t care if they punish her , that she does not regret it,” Pérez Ferrer emphasizes.

The young woman’s mother also said that her daughter was reported by a neighbor named Maritza Delgado García, who is a unit officer of the National Revolutionary Police (PNR) of Capri, in Havana.

The name of that officer appears in the prosecutor’s request, who must testify in the trial against Martínez Pérez, as does the officer from Villa Marista, State Security headquarters, Arelys Rodríguez López.

Norma Pérez Ferrer remembers that, in April 2023, Sulmira was exhibited at the National Television Newsself-incriminating.

“She did that under pressure,” said this mother, who even then said that her daughter had been put in front of a paper that had written down everything she should say while they were filming her at the State Security headquarters.

DIARIO DE CUBA’s team of lawyers considered it very likely that, by holding her for more than two months in Villa Marista, “The Cuban intelligence agencies will plan as a strategy to turn the young woman into a more media figure to sow terror. among those who like her are dedicated to the same activity”.
Martínez “is a possible preventive and exemplary warning message” to any influencer or person who dedicates themselves to denouncing, publishing or mobilizing people for something that is not going well within Cuba and criticizes the authorities,” the lawyers expressed then.

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