They destroy two drug kiosks that operated in front of a small square in the neighborhood

They destroy two drug kiosks that operated in front of a small square in the neighborhood
They destroy two drug kiosks that operated in front of a small square in the neighborhood

The prosecution requested to investigate two homes specifically that are in the Villa Ceferino neighborhood, a popular neighborhood that is the gateway to western Neuquén and where there are some characters linked to drug dealing and who are well known to the neighbors.

Villa Ceferino kiosk operation -VERTICAL-

Anti-narcotics and intelligence tasks

An Anti-Narcotics Division, dependent on the Anti-Narcotics Department, began investigative tasks typical of these cases. In them, observation work is carried out to verify that drugs are actually being sold. This follows a series of typical handling and movement of the activity.

Thus, the Anti-Narcotics investigations managed to locate two outlets where not only drugs but also psychotropics were sold.

Both marketing and consumption and their consequences had a direct impact on the neighborhood and this was what alarmed the neighbors. It is worth noting that these drug kiosks had already been investigated and raided previously.

With all the information collected by the investigations, the Federal Justice authorities were asked to issue the respective search warrants based on all the evidence they had gathered, among which was the identification of two adults.

Federal Judge Gustavo Villanueva issued the orders and it was authorized within the framework of Law 23,737 to raid at night when drug kiosks usually have the greatest activity.

In fact, in the surveillance tasks carried out it was found that they were selling every day at any time. The greatest flow occurred between the afternoon and evening.

The intelligence tasks served to establish that one of the homes had security cameras and also functioned as a warehouse in the neighborhood. A whole screen to disguise the true origin of the income and a good way to launder part of the money that came in from the sale of drugs.

Villa Ceferino kiosk operation

Raids and kidnappings

Both kiosks were in front of the same square where children and young people attended, so they became potential customers. Even the tasks of the police prevention area with the patrols had not managed to discourage those responsible for these outlets.

The raids took place on Friday when the sun was setting, so they continued into the night.

According to what was reported, Anti-Narcotics managed to seize 134 grams of cocaine, 100 wrappers of said drug ready to be marketed. They also found 102 grams of marijuana with 22 wrappers prepared for sale.

In addition, almost a million pesos from marketing, two digital scales, two cell phones and other elements of interest for the investigation were seized.

According to the valuation made by Anti-Narcotics drug experts, they seized 3.6 million pesos.

The procedure concluded with three people delayed and placed at the disposal of Federal Justice.

Villa Ceferino kiosk operation -VERTICAL-

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