What are the vacancies and how to register?

What are the vacancies and how to register?
What are the vacancies and how to register?

Call to add health professionals to the Penitentiary Service: what are the vacancies and how to register

The Government of Santa Fe opened a new call for the entry of 55 health professionals that, after the corresponding stages of the competition, they will join the stable of workers of the Penitentiary Service and will perform functions in the different prison complexes of the province.

Specifically, the call is for incorporate 40 new doctors, 5 psychologists, 5 occupational therapists and 5 social workers. The call responds, as detailed by the Penitentiary Service area, to increase in the prison population and the creation of new accommodation structures.

In this sense, the Executive highlighted that “it is of utmost importance to provide the necessary framework for theThe penitentiary facilities of the province are not mere places of deposit for convicted or preventive detainees, but establishments where respect for human rights is a priority.”


Registration on the official website of the government of the province of Santa Fe has been open since June 1. Once this first stage is completed, the general directorate of the Penitentiary Service of the province will publish the list of the required contestants. submit the background information, folder with Curriculum Vitae (numbered and signed) and all the documentation that accredits it, in photocopies certified by a Judicial Authority or Notary Public.


The requirements for interested parties are the following:

  • Be Argentine.
  • Prove honorable records and good conduct.
  • Not have actions contrary to the principles of freedom and democracy in accordance with the Regime established by the National Constitution.
  • Not having been separated from the National, Provincial or Municipal Public Administration due to exoneration.
  • Be within the age limits established by the regulations.
  • Take the capacity and competence tests determined.
  • Possess the physical and mental abilities that are determined.
  • Possess a degree as a doctor, psychologist, social worker or occupational therapist, and registration with the corresponding professional association.
  • Not be more than 35 years old.
  • Possess the mental and physical abilities established by the regulations.
  • Have been selected by competition in accordance with the legal regime in force for the same.
  • Approve the penitentiary training courses offered by the Penitentiary School.


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