Thousands march in Chile to demand an end to genocide against Palestine

Thousands march in Chile to demand an end to genocide against Palestine
Thousands march in Chile to demand an end to genocide against Palestine

By Amílcar Morales

The protesters walked several kilometers along the capital’s La Alameda avenue, stopped in front of the Palacio de la Moneda, headquarters of the Executive, and ended with a cultural political event in the so-called Bandejón de Los Héroes.

Today we are here to sensitize the population and raise awareness among those who are not familiar with the tragedy that occurs in the Gaza Strip, Chilean professor Felipe Salas told Prensa Latina.

It is, he added, a genocide like never before seen, because it is televised and shared through social networks to thousands, perhaps millions of eyes around the world, giving a very strong feeling of impunity.

Meanwhile, Mila Belén, one of the organizers of the march, assured this agency that there is a very strong commitment to Palestine among civil society, social movements, students and others.

More and more citizen awareness is being created among the population regarding this situation of genocide, he stated.

At the event held at the end of the walk, Tania Melnik spoke on behalf of the group of anti-Zionist Jews against the occupation of Palestine and apartheid.

The Jews, he said, suffered persecution many times in history and that is why decades ago they took the oath “Never again”, not only for that people, but for all humanity anywhere in the world.

“However, today the events are repeated and not just in Palestine, because we must not forget our brothers in other countries, nor the genocide against the indigenous peoples, looted, murdered and with their cultures kidnapped,” he added.

The activist recalled that Judaism is not Zionism, because the latter is a racist movement, a fascist, colonial and genocidal ideology.

Melnik recognized the Chilean government’s willingness to join South Africa’s lawsuit against Israel before the International Court of Justice, but specified that this is not enough because all ties with Tel Aviv must be cut.

Representatives of the student movement participated in the activity, carrying out protests and camping in solidarity with the people of Palestine and demanding an end to academic relations with universities in Israel.


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