Wastewater takes over the Santa Marta market

Wastewater takes over the Santa Marta market
Wastewater takes over the Santa Marta market

When it is not the proliferation of garbage, it is wastewater runoff, but there is always a reason why the public market of Santa Marta presents a deplorable appearance due to Essmar and Atesa, companies that do not meet their objectives.

Users, sellers and merchants have to live with the bad odors generated by these two factors that disturb citizen tranquility and, however, there is no authority to bring these companies to heel and force them to respond.

The District Public Services Company, Essmar ESP, although it was requested by the merchants to fix the obstruction in the sanitary sewage system, several hours later had not responded.

The emanation of water through the openings in the manhole cover is disheartening, because it brings bad odors and alteration of the environmental environment, which often becomes an obstacle for people to get to the market and prefer the stores. neighborhoods and supermarkets.

The intersection of 12th Street and 9th Street, practically where the public market begins, was impassable due to the discharge of wastewater, a situation that caused trauma to the mobility of the people who were going to market.

Several cases of confrontations were recorded because public vehicles, in particular, when traveling through the area, splashed people who were going to make purchases for the house.

The concern of merchants and citizens lies in the fact that Ideam has predicted intense rains for Santa Marta during the weekend and holiday weekend and the dragging of garbage and other solid elements, irresponsibly thrown into runoff, will surely help clog the sewage system.


Merchants from the outside of the main food pantry of the Santa Marta District, through the Government Secretariat and the Public Market Administration, ask that Essmar be required to solve the problem.

“The rains are just beginning and we already have an overflow problem, which will remain until it rains heavily,” said one of the merchants in the sector.

Several hours after the dumping began on 12th Street and 6th Street and late at night, the Essmar workers had not appeared to fix the problem.

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