Teachers from Santander will march this Tuesday in Bucaramanga after failures in the new health model

In addition to the cessation of activities, which was called in the official schools of Santander for next Tuesday, June 11, teachers from the department will also take to the streets to protest against the barriers and neglect reported in the teachers’ health regime.

At 8:30 am, on June 11, a march was called between Santander Park and the headquarters of the National Health Superintendence in Bucaramanga, located on Carrera 29 # 48-08. (Photos: Archive / VANGUARDIA)

More than a month has passed since the new health model began to be implemented for public sector teachers in Colombia, teacher leaders in Santander denounce that multiple flaws still persist in this new care and services scheme, which was launched by the National Government.

According to what was reported by the Santander Educators Union, SES, in dozens of municipalities in Santander have not yet contracted medical services that teachers, pensioners and their families require.

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These types of problems are what motivate the teachers’ strike that was called in the department, for next Tuesday, June 11, in rejection of the reported failures and with the purpose of publicly demanding the definitive improvement of this new model.

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Currently there are nearly 9,000 teachers and administrators in public schools in the region. Nearly 127,000 students at these educational centers in the official sector will be affected by this cessation of activities, which was scheduled for 24 hours.

“Deficiencies persist”

In Santander, this new teacher health model began operating on May 1, with the promise of providing much more timely and accessible care for its members, a commitment that has not been fulfilled to date, according to the users themselves. .

In accordance with what is indicated by the SES, “work tables have been held with all instances (…) seeking the commitment of the Fiduprevisora ​​to make the necessary and sufficient modifications, in order to facilitate agile and efficient contracting” .

However, and despite the commitments established in various spaces, with support from entities such as the secretariats of education and the Ombudsman’s Office, “The existence of deficiencies persists,” warned the Santander Educators Union.


Three faults to solve

Through a public circular, the SES denounced and specified the existing problems.

1. Primary network: in provincial municipalities, 80% of the public hospital network is only providing emergency services. The network of providers or the access routes to the service have not been published to users.

2. The conditions, points and delivery of medicines: only announced to dispensaries in 24 municipalities. There is no list of permanent, high-cost medications and catastrophic diseases.

3. Repeated failures in the delivery of medications, such as insulin.

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