The dangerous “trap” for pedestrians a few meters from the Ministry of Transportation and the Panal

Meters from the Provincial Transportation Secretariat, the Panal and the Children’s Hospital, pedestrians who pass through the Bajada Pucará bridge are left dangerously without a “route” when the walkway abruptly ends, leaving them “cornered” and forced to run across to the opposite side through an area without pedestrian traffic or bridges for pedestrians.

The lack of foresight that considers pedestrians and their safety is further enhanced by the very high concentration of vehicles. through the bridge that leads to the Urban Man, the roundabout a few meters from the Civic Center, Perón Avenue (which runs underneath), the entry and exit of buses between the two terminals, the bus lines, the three hospitals, the Medical House , the SuperMami and the buildings.

There are thousands of vehicles that circulate daily, and especially pedestrians are “forced” – 100 meters from the Ministry of Transportation – to cross through buses, cars, motorcycles and trucks that circulate at high speeds that are prohibited, particularly driving from the Urban Man towards the San Roque Hospital.

Staircase in poor condition, meters from the New Terminal. (Capture/©Google Street View)

In this context, pedestrians – young, old and even small children– who walk along the bridge walkway, particularly on the side that faces the SuperMami they are “cornered”when the passage abruptly ends and they are “forced”, with no way out, to run across the traffic to the other side, where there is a staircase (in poor condition) that leads to the Iram path.

There, last Tuesday afternoon, a truck with a trailer hit the guardrail and was located in an “S” on the hand that goes from the Sanitary Pole to the Urban Man, causing a line of countless stuck vehicles.

The same “corralito” is observed a few meters from the Ministry of Transportation (Lugones Avenue bridge). With no further progress possible along the walkway that overlooks the New Terminal, pedestrians must run across (a surprise, if they are tourists) towards the opposite walkway (facing the Secretariat), with no bridge, crossings or signage designed for them.

“Dead-end” walkway a few meters from the Ministry of Transportation, over the Lugones bridge. (Capture/©Google Street View)

The dangerous but preventable situation, which has persisted for decades, can be observed daily on site or, through the Google mega search engine -through Streew View-, from anywhere in the world.

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