What will they do with the millionaire kidnapping of tires and tires seized in Córdoba?

Based on an order sent by Justice, the Córdoba Police mounted a large operation this Friday in a mechanical workshop located in the San Martín neighborhood of the Capital. There, it They seized a large quantity of tires, auto parts and rims, in addition to two high-end vehicles with a sequestration request..

Six people were arrested after the operation. The seizure included more than 1,000 tires and tires of different sizes, among other elements whose origin is the subject of investigation. Now, the Minister of Security of Córdoba, Juan Pablo Quinteros, explained how to proceed in these cases and what could be the destination of the items, valued at an estimated total of US$ 700,000.

The official explained that there are several alternatives to dispose of the seized material. One of them is to auction it; another, deliver it to entities that need to replace covers. However, the final decision will be made by the Court.

In contact with Chain 3, Quinteros mentioned: “During the raid we were talking with prosecutor Horacio Vázquez, who was in charge of the investigation. Neither the rims nor the covers have identification, making it very difficult for someone who has suffered a crime of this type, such as the famous wheel stealers, to request the maximum restitution, taking into account that the insurance companies have taken charge. of the replacement. Then, what was seized remains at the disposal of Justice.”

Along these lines, the Minister reiterated that the prosecutor “will deliver the report to the Attorney General’s Office and subsequently it will be the Superior Court of Justice that will decide what to do with them.”

“Ultimately, it will be Justice that decides the final destination of these tires and rims. When there is an amount like this, one of the possibilities is that it is the auction and the other is that they can be delivered to entities that need to replace covers on their vehicles,” he said.

This was the operation in Córdoba to disrupt the gang

The Córdoba Police, complying with a Justice order, carried out a mega operation this Friday morning in a warehouse located in the San Martín neighborhood, in the north of the Capital.

Mega operation in the San Martín neighborhood with a significant seizure of tires, tires and auto parts. (Cordoba Police)

A merchandise warehouse operated in that place, from which They seized more than 1,000 tiresauto parts and tires for different vehicles, among other elements linked to criminal acts that are being investigated.

Mega operation in the San Martín neighborhood with a significant seizure of tires, tires and auto parts. (Cordoba Police)
Mega operation in the San Martín neighborhood with a significant seizure of tires, tires and auto parts. (Cordoba Police)

The investigative prosecutor Horacio Vázquez, the Minister of Security Juan Pablo Quinteros and the Chief of Police, Leonardo Gutiérrez, were present in the operation.

“Not only is it the largest kidnapping so far in my administration but in recent years. Roughly speaking, between 800 and 1,000 tires, 1,200 tires, most of them new. An investigation began that ended today in the San Martin neighborhood,” said Quinteros himself.

The place functioned on its façade as a mechanical workshop and in fact, inside before everything was seized there were two high-end vehicles. Quinteros revealed that both have a kidnapping request.

“The case, and it seems to me that the strongest hypothesis, is that all this is stolen under the modality of wheel stealers. We have unrolled covers,” the official added to Miter 810.

Quinteros estimated to that media that what was kidnapped greatly exceeds US$ 700 thousand.

Judicial sources said that the investigation was initiated in the prosecutor’s office since mid-February, when they carried out a raid in the same area and took evidence that allowed them to follow a lead.

The investigation, judicial sources insisted, was hermetic, it was carried out with a prosecutor’s commissioner and its knowledge was restricted to that police officer, the prosecutor and only two other people.

Now, after consolidating the tests for two and a half months, they managed to detect this warehouse in which they seized a large quantity of stolen tires and rims. The figure cannot yet be calculated, but it would be more than a thousand, up to two thousand, both wheels and tires.

They were charged with aggravated concealment, although this qualification is temporary and could later lead to an extension of the accusation.

It is presumed that the seized wheels were stolen in the area of ​​the city of Córdoba.

Regarding the destination that would be given to them, it is also being investigated, but it would be for sale in local rubber shops or at the request of individuals.

It is expected that this raid will lead to the receipt of new evidence that could lead to another line of investigation.

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