Córdoba: a taxi thief was assaulted, they fled and ended up crashing

Córdoba: a taxi thief was assaulted, they fled and ended up crashing
Córdoba: a taxi thief was assaulted, they fled and ended up crashing

A series of criminal events took place this Friday afternoon in the city of Córdoba, amid growing insecurity: a 38-year-old man assaulted a taxi driver in Villa Posse and then both were surprised by three other thieves, who got on to the car and ended up crashing it.

The journey began at 5 p.m. when a female taxi driver (36), from the Transmitaxi company, dropped off a colleague near the Sports Center in said neighborhood, in the capital of Córdoba. In that place she was surprised by an assailant who, using threats with a firearm, got into the taxi and forced her to take it to Block 17, Cooperativa 16 de Abril.

When they arrived at the indicated place, the criminal and the taxi driver were surprised by three other thieves – who apparently had nothing to do with the first subject – who threatened them with a gun, stole another from the criminal and the cell phone from the driver. of the rental car.

According to police sources, one of the new assailants took control of the vehicle and when he tried to escape he ended up ramming a Peugeot 206 that was parked in the area.

The incredible episode culminated with the arrest of the first of the assailants, the 38-year-old who would have a criminal record, while the other three managed to escape from the police.


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