The Zonda wind will be the main protagonist on Sunday in San Juan: gusts of up to 75 km/h are expected

The Civil Protection Directorate of the province reported that during the night of this Saturday and almost all of Sunday the occurrence of Zonda wind in much of the provincial territory, with speeds between 40 and 50 km/h, with gusts of up to 75 km/h. This phenomenon can cause reduced visibility, a sudden increase in temperature and conditions of very low relative humidity.

It is predicted Yellow Alert in the foothills of Calingasta, Greater San Juan and the periphery; The area will be affected by strong Zonda, with intensities between 40 and 65 km/h, and gusts of up to 100 mm/h, which may be exceeded locally.

Recommendations for strong wind warning

-Pay attention to your surroundings (fallen cables, branches, loose objects).

-Close and secure doors and windows.

-Drive with caution, maintain the distance between vehicles and the minimum speed.

-Do not stop under trees or elements attached to buildings (signs, canopies, awnings, etc.).

-Always have charged flashlights on hand.

-Likewise, Civil Protection remembers that the risk of forest fires due to burning of grasslands and garbage is high. Therefore, it is recommended to take into account the following tips:

-Avoid throwing cigarette butts in tall vegetation since during the Zonda season there is a lot of dryness.

-Avoid throwing garbage in fields of vegetation because among the garbage there may be something flammable that can cause fires.

-Avoid making bonfires or any other type of fire near agricultural places that are susceptible to forest fires.

-It is necessary to be aware that forest fires are magnified by Zonda because the ambient temperature collaborates to maintain the temperature of the fire and make it more difficult to put out.

-Those who live in the countryside must clear the surroundings of the house by making wide alleys greater than 5 meters so that only dirt remains and thus prevent damage to the house due to the spread of fire.

-As soon as smoke is detected, call the Fire Department and try to have a contingency plan in case of fire for people who live in the countryside: call firefighters and evacuate, as first measures

-Be aware that burning leaves or trash is prohibited by law. Any individual or group seen setting fires in highly flammable areas or burning vegetation must automatically be reported to 911.

Numbers enabled in case of any emergency


-103 Civil Protection

-100 Firefighters

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