The historic walk through the cemetery captivated and excited visitors

The historic walk through the cemetery captivated and excited visitors
The historic walk through the cemetery captivated and excited visitors

No one in the audience participated in a similar activity before, so everyone was expectant. And their expectations were exceeded mainly by the surprise factor. It was yesterday, during the theatrical necrotourism tour that took place in the Capital Municipal Cemetery, and which captivated and excited the participants. It took place within the framework of the commemoration of the Foundation of San Juan.

The tour included 8 stations and, from the first, it caught the attention of visitors. While the guide was talking about the life of Antonio De la Torre, the poet appeared on scene to continue the story. He was one of the actors who were the main attraction of the event.

Emotion. Doña Paula’s story was so realistic that the participants of the necrotourism tour at the Capital Municipal Cemetery were moved.

The public’s expectation grew when it reached the second station, waiting for a new surprise that soon appeared. Behind the monument in the mausoleum that contains the remains of Domingo Faustino Sarmiento’s mother and sisters, Doña Paula appeared. Wrapped in a poncho and walking slowly due to her advanced age, she remembered the sacrifices she made to raise her 15 children alone and build her humble house in Carrascal, together with her most loyal companion: her loom. Her story was so moving that several of those present had their eyes red with emotion. It is for this reason that they burst into applause when the actress who played Doña Paula returned in silence to hide behind the monument.

Attention. People paid attention to the story of Nazario Benavides, who said that he was born in Concepción and that he was nicknamed “meek leader.”

Silence reigned throughout the tour, since no one wanted to miss details of the life and work of the historical figures who were part of the walk. They attentively listened to former governor Nazario Benavides tell that he had the San Emiliano and Costanera Repartidor Dam built to contain the waters of the river and avoid the feared floods of the time. And how he was murdered at point-blank range for defending federalism.

The participants completed the walk that lasted more than an hour without leaving the contingent and with active participation. They all responded to the different questions that the guides asked them to confirm if they paid attention to the stories. The answers were correct and received general applause.


Two guides participated in the necrotourism tour and took turns working.

A little history
Before starting the walk, the guides told that the cemetery was inaugurated in 1837.

with tradition
Many of the spectators participated in the walk through the cemetery drinking mate.


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