«I arrived in Logroño an hour after leaving Villamediana»

Sunday, June 9, 2024, 10:18


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Traffic jams in Villamediana, new proposals for the use of La Rosaleda or complaints about nightlife and the dirt on the streets of Logroño, among the calls from the Reader’s Telephone.

  1. Maddening traffic jam in Villamediana

A few days ago a reader called us from his vehicle, in the middle of a traffic jam between Villamediana and Logroño. «They have put in an aberrant provisional detour, a mousetrap, and they have trapped us with hundreds of cars to access Logroño. This cluster of incompetents is an absolute shame, causing us to waste a lot of time, our patience and hours of work. “We’ve been like this for months but today’s situation no longer has a name.” Minutes later, and while looking for an exit through Alberite, he called again with growing indignation: “They have kidnapped hundreds of our drivers at this rush hour. “I hope whoever designed this detour pays dearly for this atrocity.” And there was still a third call: «I just arrived in Logroño, an hour after leaving Villamediana. Obviously I’m late for work and I don’t want to think about the people who have to do the Ebau. “We’ve been like this for many months, but today is the last straw.”

  1. Reflection on nightlife

In her call, María completely agrees with a recent article by our colleague Pablo Álvarez titled ‘Nightlife kills cities’. And she adds even more: «If these people are able to leave the cities like this, how will their bodies and their poor families be when they get home? Do you ever reflect on the damage you do and what you do? I hope they mature, because they have behavior inappropriate for their age,” she concludes.

  1. Main image - Suggests identifying the Espolón roses

    Proposes identifying the Espolón roses

Following a report in which we published a map of the Rosaleda del Espolón in Logroño with its different types of roses, a neighbor suggested identifying these plants in situ with signs in which their scientific and vulgar names appear and paying for it with discreet advertising, « and we would also learn botany,” he points out.

  1. Main image - Recover the old Rosaleda kiosk

    Recover the old Rosaleda kiosk

Without leaving the Rose Garden, a neighbor begs the mayor to recover the old kiosk in this corner of Logroño, currently converted into a reading point. She considers that now it is wasted, “4 or 18 people go to read and they are paying for electricity for nothing, while before we could sit on that wonderful terrace there,” she believes.

  1. Main image - Plague of pigeons between Chile and Gran Vía

    Plague of pigeons between Chile and Gran Vía

“At the confluence of Chile and Gran Vía streets in Logroño there is a tremendous infestation of pigeons and the neighbors are fed up with their presence, with nests and eggs on the balconies,” laments Miguel Ángel. And he adds that at the height of number 15 in Chile there is an abandoned building, which is pointed out as a nesting place for pigeons and where the problem stems from, so he asks the City Council to take measures.

  1. Main image - «Logroño is very dirty»

    «Logroño is very dirty»

After seeing what the Logroño City Council has spent on a private company event such as the match in which the UDL was playing for promotion, Blanca is confident that “now it’s up to us citizens.” That is why he asks for more cleaning for the city, “because Logroño is very dirty. We have streets five minutes from City Hall even with dirt on their sidewalks; There are many dirty and broken sidewalks », she says.

  1. Main image - Cardiology Reports in Rioja Salud

    Cardiology Reports in Rioja Salud

Our last caller wonders “why doesn’t the Cardiology team post any reports on the Rioja Salud application, something that other specialists do?”

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The poor condition of the Adarraga roofs

The poor condition of the Adarraga roofs

A reader sends us a photograph of the “bad condition” of a part of the roof of the Adarraga sports training center in Logroño, specifically the area next to the locker rooms. As can be seen in the image, the cables are visible and it gives “the feeling that something could fall at any moment,” warns the caller.

The rules of The Reader’s Telephone

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    the greatest number of calls, be brief, clear and concise in your presentation. The newspaper will respect the anonymity of readers who contact this section, but it will be necessary for them to state their name and contact telephone number, in case it is necessary to verify the origin of any of the calls. In no case will messages with disqualifications towards third parties be published. Political criticism of people and institutions has its specific space in the “Letters to the Director” section, in the Opinion pages of Diario LA RIOJA.

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