With renewed alerts for Zonda wind, this is what the weather will be like this Sunday in Mendoza

With renewed alerts for Zonda wind, this is what the weather will be like this Sunday in Mendoza
With renewed alerts for Zonda wind, this is what the weather will be like this Sunday in Mendoza

He forecast He anticipates that it will be a “warm” Sunday in Mendoza if we take into account that it is the beginning of the second week of June. The maximum will reach 20 degrees and there will be Zonda wind in the foothills and sectors of the plain.

From Climatic Contingencies they anticipated that it will be a “partially cloudy day with little change in temperature. With Zonda wind in the foothills and sectors of the plain”, in addition the snowfall will continue in the mountain range, so it would not be surprising if the Cristo Redentor International Pass continues closed.

The National Meteorological Service (SMN) renewed the alert for gusts of Zonda wind in almost the entire province, although at least this forecast places the phenomenon only during the early morning. It will be necessary to see if during the rest of the day the gusts actually go down to the plain, something that did not happen on Saturday.

Source: SMN.

After Sunday’s maximum high, there will be a slight drop in temperature on Monday. “Variable cloudiness with a drop in temperature, winds from the southern sector rotating to the northeast. Snowfall continues in the mountain range,” they predict from Contingencies. The maximum will be 18º.


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