Francos raised doubts about the approval of the Bases Law in the Senate

Francos raised doubts about the approval of the Bases Law in the Senate
Francos raised doubts about the approval of the Bases Law in the Senate


The Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francosdid not appear at all confident that the Senate will approve the Base Law in next Wednesday’s session. “I think we are moving forward. That’s where we are, we’re going to see the day of the vote,” said the official, unlike his statements days ago in which he was confident and stated that he still dialogues “permanently” with legislators to ensure that the project achieves an affirmative majority.

Kirchnerism has 33 senators“said Francos in Mirtha’s Night and he sent praise to the non-Kirchnerist opposition legislators by stating that “The law has been improved in Congress in many aspects“There is no need to take away his merits.” Of the 72 senators, the Government needs 37 supports that, according to Francos, it has not yet secured.

The Chief of Staff maintained that there are conflicting interests in the political leadership between the Base Law and the fiscal package, the other project that the Government considers key and that will also be discussed on the same Wednesday by the Upper House. “Beyond the discussions in Parliament, I understand that There are territorial and provincial political interests that collide. When one deals with interests of this type one has to reconcile. “It is a complex law,” he considered.

Francos highlighted that the Large Investment Incentive Regime (RIGI) is the main issue that the embassies of several countries consult with him about. According to the official, Japan and Malaysia are two of the countries with which he is in contact and that are interested in having the RIGI approved. “Three months ago they asked me when it was going to be approved.“, he claimed.

“We have to strive to guarantee investments for people who come to invest“, stressed the former national representative for Action for the Republic, the party that created Sunday Cavallo after leaving the government of Carlos Menem. And he said that “100 investment funds“They contacted him to express their interest in eventually investing in the country.

Francos assured that “Argentina is a country that has a bad reputation in the world and the fault lies with the legal uncertainty”. That is why he considered it essential that the RIGI, which establishes extremely positive conditions for companies, with tax exemptions for 30 years, have the approval of the Senate.

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On the other hand, he said that he does not take as a “defeat” the half sanction that the Chamber of Deputies gave to the reform of retirement benefits, which establishes that the update will become tied to inflation, he foresees an additional increase due to the impact of the price increase at the beginning of the year and also an annual plus. In the event that the Upper House turns it into law, the former Minister of the Interior warned that “To pay for it you have to adjust other items.”.

Francos targeted the social leaders Juan Grabois and Eduardo Belliboni. “Why are they complaining?” she asked herself. And he replied that the reason is because “The Government took away their power to be intermediaries”. The Chief of Staff also completely separated the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovellofrom any irregular handling.

“The food was not to be distributed to the most needy sectors, but for emergency situations like the one that occurred in different provinces. In each case, the necessary support measures were taken,” said Francos about the food collection that was in the Secretariat of Children, Adolescents and Family that he directed. Pablo de La Torre and that he was fired and denounced by the Government.

The Chief of Staff assured that they were “foods that were purchased during the previous administration”. Journalist Laura Di Marco, present at the table, intervened and stated that Pettovello’s management also bought food, as revealed by LA NACION. Francos apologized and said that he did not have that information.

When asked about the case of Leila Giannithe legal undersecretary of Human Capital, a former Kirchnerist militant turned libertarian, the official also avoided speaking out and limited himself to commenting that he cannot “say that all people who have been Kirchnerists are bad.”

When asked by Legrand regarding why there were gas outages last week that impacted the industry and service stations, Francos responded that “Argentina has plenty of gas, but what it does not have is the infrastructure to transport it”. And he exemplified that “in Vaca Muerta, in Santa Cruz, they say that in the Argentine sea too” the country has that resource.

“There was a gas supply problem a week ago. The domiciliary is never cut off because the risk of it being cut off is that it will have problems returning later. “The one that is cut is the industry,” she expressed and put the responsibility on the climate: “The month of May was 10 degrees Celsius less than the average of all the historic months of May. This means that gas consumption was exceeded by 70%.”

Finally, Francos had an ambiguous position in relation to the railways. On the one hand, he assured that “In the situation they are in, there will not be anyone who will buy them.“, while he said that “there are important funds interested, of different nationalities.” “Putting the railroads in order requires a lot of investment,” he noted. The Chief of Staff praised an important figure in the sector: the head of the machinists union, Omar Maturano, with whom he claimed to have met and processed the union’s salary claim. “Maturano is a very rational leader who understands the situation. He can converse perfectly well,” he said.


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