confirmed two deaths from leptospirosis

confirmed two deaths from leptospirosis
confirmed two deaths from leptospirosis

The government of Cordovathrough the provincial Ministry of Health, confirmed this week the death of two people infected with leptospirosisa disease caused by a bacteria that is usually present in the urine of certain animals such as rodents, dogs, cows, pigs, horses and wild animals.

The undersecretary of Health Strategies and Access to Health of the province, Laura López, said: “They are adults between 51 and 63 years old. One is an employee of a field and the other is the owner of the establishment“, located in Pascoa town located 215 kilometers south of the provincial capital.

As specified, the victims They worked in a dairy performing tasks of milking and handling animals, such as pigs and sheep.

López explained that these are “atypical cases” and that the high-risk contact they had has not yet been identified. Although he added that the National Agri-Food Health and Quality Service (Senasa) performed the corresponding control and the animals show the disease.

Leptospirosis is caused by a bacteria present in the urine of certain animals that is transmitted mainly by direct contact with infected urine or by ingestion of contaminated food and water.

In this regard, the undersecretary highlighted: “The symptoms of this disease may initially resemble those of flu and dengue and, in endemic areas, those of Argentine Hemorrhagic Fever; That is why early consultation and timely treatment are extremely important to reduce the risks of presenting serious forms.”


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