De Rivas proposes free delivery of medications for people without medical coverage

De Rivas proposes free delivery of medications for people without medical coverage
De Rivas proposes free delivery of medications for people without medical coverage

The candidate for mayor of Hacemos Unidos por Río Cuarto, Guillermo De Rivas, proposes signing an agreement with the head of the College of Pharmacists of Córdoba, Germán Daniele, to guarantee free access to medicines for people without social security or prepaid, through a system electronic prescription and through participating pharmacies.

This is about joining the “Improve Health” program, which already works in the cities of Córdoba and Villa María.

The initiative is based on close collaboration between the Municipality and the pharmacies that belong to the College of Pharmacists to make health and community care more efficient and optimal, guaranteeing equal and equitable access to medicines.

“The program will work with an electronic prescription system and in a wide network of participating pharmacies. It is transparent, simple and direct, without intermediaries. From the pharmacy direct and easy to the neighbor who needs it,” said De Rivas after a meeting he had at the institution.

It is worth mentioning that he was accompanied by the head of the technical teams in Health, Lucas Stefanini.

Regarding its implementation, he explained: “Any person who receives care in municipal medical establishments and does not have social work or prepaid medicine coverage can request it. You will receive the prescription in electronic form by email and cell phone. With that prescription number and your ID, you go to the participating pharmacy and pick up the medication at no cost.”

In this sense, the candidate for mayor highlighted that the program benefits all sectors: “Doctors authorized by the Council of Doctors will be able to prescribe the electronic prescription and patients will not have to travel long distances to be able to look for their prescription or to pick it up at the pharmacy”.

“Citizens will not only have free access to the medicine they need, but also the dignity of living in a place where health is a priority and for everyone. Working together with the private sector is essential to continue advancing the well-being of our neighbors,” she assured.

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