Kirchnerism voted in favor of the bankruptcy of Argentina

Kirchnerism voted in favor of the bankruptcy of Argentina
Kirchnerism voted in favor of the bankruptcy of Argentina

Treatment “Law bases for private voting” Máximo Kirchner Gustavo Luis Gavotti

For the first time in decades, we have a clear course and a certain direction. President Milei stated that our goal is transform Argentina into a prosperous country, with a dynamic and predictable economy, where it is possible to plan the future of our families. However, it is also the first time that there is a political agreement so aggressive to block and hinder changes necessary for progress to be possible.

Despite the undoubted mandate for change expressed in the elections, Kirchnerism persists in obstructing and misinforming. Through these simple strategies, They seek to perpetuate an obsolete model that prioritizes personal interests over collective well-being, promoting practices that have undermined trust in government institutions and that, paradoxically, explain the victory of our President.

Late Kirchnerism, desperate in the face of the imminent advance of the Base Law and Starting Points for the Freedom of Argentines, decided that the reduction in inflation and that the price stability already achieved should not continue. In a fleeting and surreptitious session voted at midnight on Tuesday, Unión por la Patria (UP) and some circumstantial allies voted for Argentine bankruptcy through a project that, in essence, involves the destruction of our currency.

After voting for maintenance of privilege pensions for a few and, in an act of cynicism, the same Kirchnerism that approved measures that reduced the purchasing power of minimum pensions by 30% between 2010 and 2023, decided to grant a symbolic gift and inconsistent application to said group, with the aim of undermining the only policy that ensures the sustainability of any future economic plan: the order of the State’s accounts.

Without a solvent State, there is no possible currency. Over the past few years, we have experienced economic stagnation with inflation levels higher than those of countries like Venezuela. President Javier Milei anticipated that any project that threatens stability will not be implemented, but the effects of the irresponsibility of traditional politics are evident. A clear example is the recent marginal increase in the exchange rate.

Chamber of Deputies (Adrián Escándar)

Unlike the growing center peronism in both chambers, which has demonstrated a more responsible attitude, the Kirchnerist ideology is characterized by creating a constant cycle of illusion and disenchantment regarding the future, resist change, and promote widespread confusion between right and wrong. Its objective is to perpetuate itself at the expense of the majority of Argentines, who overwhelmingly elected President Javier Milei as their representative.

In just a few months we saw a fundamental change of direction. The latest data for 2023 showed monthly inflation of 25.5%. Figures close to 5% are expected for May. Argentina is once again in the global public eye, with invitations to key events such as the G7 and organizations such as the OECD. The enhancement of our external and internal armed and security forces has also begun.

The rental market is progressively normalizing, loans of all kinds are reappearing, and the data for May and June begin to validate that, after the withdrawal of the State from many areas of the economy, the Argentina grows again thanks to the private sector. With the approval of the Law of Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of Argentines, the generation of employment, bureaucratic agility, and the sustainability of the growth path will be possible.

From small modifications, such as the elimination of the mandatory blue card for drivers, to major reforms that will provide incentives for local and foreign investments, the current administration intends to continue improving the quality of life of all Argentines.

And while we hope that Kirchnerism continues its attempts at obstruction, the President is not alone. Javier Milei is the President with the most votes in the history of our country and he has the necessary capacity and legitimacy to continue working for the well-being of all Argentines. The officials work alongside him, side by side, day by day, to make this path a reality.

The decision and clarity on the route is an inspiration for us. We are witnessing a crucial moment in the history of Argentina, where the desire for change and determination for a prosperous future are more alive than ever. We cannot but invite all Argentines to be protagonists. Young people have inspired us and this commitment calls on all citizens to actively participate. With the collaboration and trust of every Argentine, we will continue consolidating this new direction towards progress.

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