Conin Colonia Ayuí Foundation will distribute 42.00 kilos of milk

Conin Colonia Ayuí Foundation will distribute 42.00 kilos of milk
Conin Colonia Ayuí Foundation will distribute 42.00 kilos of milk

In the last week it was announced that the Conin foundation will be in charge of distributing the numerous kilos of powdered milk in the country. The network with eight points in Entre Ríos arranged for the Colonia Ayuí branch in the Concordia department to receive 42,000 kilos of milk.

It is the most attended subsidiary in the Capital of Citrus that also provides assistance to the entire department. This last Friday, 14,200 one-kilo units arrived in the city, which will be destined for the Child Development Centers (CDI), dining rooms, picnic areas and food modules.

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The Army accompanied the Conin Foundation.

Silvia Durand is responsible for the organization of Colonia Ayuí and specified that they will be another link in the logistics in this emergency distribution. “A total of 42,000 kilos is the amount we request to distribute, we are going to make a distribution operations center for our center,” she noted.

Asked if the subsidiary has logistics prepared to distribute that large number of kilos of powdered milk, Durand stated: “Each organization that supports the Conin centers presented the possibility of distributing a certain amount of milk. We are in a place where basically the issue of management and logistics is very common, we are a rural area, we belong to the Concordia department but our foundation in particular consists of people who support the Foundation and who collaborate with us who have a lot of knowledge of the Logistics. Last Friday Mendoza called all the Conin centers and asked who had the capacity to deliver and how many kilos. I immediately made some calls before confirming the amount, which is a lot, I called my volunteers, the people who collaborate with the Foundation and who help us sustain Conin’s infrastructure every year. They told me yes, count on us and I asked for a certain amount, for the canteens, which I know will arrive.”


“The sooner the distribution begins the better because this has an expiration date and the faster we deliver it the better, that is the purpose and that is the diligence with which we want to work. We are called because we are a network that all works equally. We serve children from 0 to 5 years old and pregnant women who are at risk or malnourished. Milk for us is like the jewel in the crown, it is our nutritional reinforcement that we give to the children every week. The only thing we want to have guaranteed, because everything else they can get or have elsewhere. Milk is the most expensive product and the most difficult to obtain. It is key in the treatments we do, it is not just another food, it is the food. Seeing this amount of milk wasted was like going against our principles,” he commented.

Regarding the centers where they will be distributed, Durand explained: “We have an entire delivery and search system that is informed to each of the people who are included in the request. They are dining rooms, picnic areas and others that are already organized. For example, there are communes that request us for entities that they deliver.” And he added: “This is a solidarity network, the foundation that I coordinate has that network, we have traceability so that we know where the milk was delivered.”

How it is calculated and distributed

Asked if the Army in each location would also have a role in the delivery of merchandise, Durand clarified: “What the Army does is logistics at the national level, delivery to each place, helping with loading and unloading, while We do the internal logistics because we have several groups of volunteers. It seems like a lot, but a milk is not given to each one, there is a canteen who comes, looks for the milk that he is going to use over the course of two months. The calculation that we take for ordering milk is the one we use in our Conin centers, to each child in the center we deliver a box of milk per week, four boxes of milk per month, calculating that each 800 gram box is transformed in 6 liters of milk and a child should drink one liter per day, 4 cups of 500 cubic centimeters.”

Durand commented that the volumes requested for distribution are subject to the organization of each center in the province. “This has to do with the distribution capacity that we have. Each Conin center asked for the amount it can distribute. The quantities are much more than what each center normally consumes of milk, because they surely have a snack bar or dining room in the area, in the region to whom they sponsored and they are going to deliver the milk, but they cannot go off and do logistics like What I did, a lot of wishes came to me in two days and that helped me to be able to ask for a larger amount.”

In this emergency

The person in charge of the Colonia Ayuí franchise made it clear that they will join in this one-time emergency scenario. emerging: “We are not, nor do we want to be, food distribution centers; they simply consider us a family of action that has a point in each part of the country for efficient delivery. “We have demonstrated that in the 30 years that the Conin Foundation has had; and 10 years in the case of our foundation. Nothing more than that,” she said.

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