link for payments and check if you are a beneficiary

ANDhe program VAT refund existed in 2023, but the promise from the Department for Social Prosperity (DPS) was that it would be united with Tránsito a Renta Ciudadana to evolve and provide better coverage to people with needs and in vulnerable conditions. Well, that change led to Now the new Citizen Income program is known, which has implemented important changes.

However, these modifications have led to delays and modifications because There are no longer bimonthly payments as in the previous year, in 2024 there will only be one cycle of disbursement of money between May and June. In addition, of the entire population that received aid resources in the 2 programs separately, now only a segment of the population (mothers who are heads of households with children under 6 years of age) were the beneficiaries.

Given all this, the questions and complaints There are many in the DPS communication channels and this was the response they gave to a citizen about the VAT Refund for this half of the year:

We invite you to pay attention to our official communication channels, website and social networks, for more information on VAT Compensation for 2024. More information on our channels

Well, the answers leave many more doubts and uncertainty, which is why we must remember the ways to find out and access the information on the VAT Refund program, which despite having joined this new Citizen Income, will not be paid in the same way and nor does it have the same criteria, deadlines or resources.

Link to know if I receive VAT Refund payment in 2024

While the dates, forms and other details are confirmed, it is known that this is the way to access the payment data, with the ID and the same registration that worked in 2023:

  1. Enter the portal
  2. Click on ‘Check here if you are registered’.
  3. Select the type of identity document (identity card, identity card, civil registry, etc.)
  4. Enter the identification number or the indicated document.
  5. Select date of birth.
  6. Do ‘Recaptcha’ verification to prove you are a real person and not a ‘bot’
  7. Access your information and status in Citizen Income Transit.
  8. Those who do not have the possibility through a virtual medium can also make inquiries by attending the municipal mayor’s offices and completing the process in person to enter the system.
  9. You could get advice by telephone by calling 01-8000-95-1100 and/or sending a text message to the number 85594. In these modalities you will find the instructions you must follow.

Link to sign the mandatory Commitment Certificate

If the answer is positive and when entering your data It is confirmed that you will receive the payment in 2024, you must accept and complete the Commitment and Co-Responsibility Act which is available from April 1st. This requirement is mandatory, as long as you are among the beneficiaries and want to receive the resources in the future.

How much money will you pay VAT Refund in 2024?

Due to the general criteria and conditions of the new Citizen Income program, there are amounts of money established for those who are beneficiaries of VAT Refund, There are no payments less than 500,000 Colombian pesos and payment times will be one and a half months, changing the bimonthly spaces that were in 2023.. Although now it is only handled this way for mothers who head the family, there is no unified figure in the future, because some will receive payments every 45 days and others may receive them annually. It all depends on the characteristics and conditions of the beneficiary or the composition of the household:

  • Care assessment: Households with mothers who head the household and children in early childhood, households with people with disabilities: They can receive up to 500,000 Colombian pesos every 45 days (Groups A1 – A5 of Sisbén IV).
  • Colombia Without Hunger: Households in extreme poverty that are not part of the previous component and in food insecurity: They can receive up to 500,000 Colombian pesos per household (an average of 350,000 Colombian pesos) every 45 days (Groups A1 – A5 of Sisbén IV).
  • Strengthening capacities: Households in moderate poverty, that meet established achievements for delivery of a transfer: They will have an annual bonus between 500,000 and one million Colombian pesos, per achievement. (Groups B of Sisbén IV).

When would the VAT Refund be paid in Colombia on your first payment?

Due to the little information and data, the news program of Red + Noticias consulted the DPS on the issue and they explained that the payment for those who are within the new Citizen Income and come from VAT Refund. And the answer was clear, but missing specific and very important details.

According to the official entity, “the first payment of VAT Compensation will be made jointly with payment two of Citizen Income”. That is, it would be in the period of June – July, when the time between the first and second cycle of the program in question expires.

This is what they indicate in the news article:

It will be done in July in a staggered manner and will be notified through the official DPS networks. With the above, the payment of the six monetary transfers of the program will be guaranteed in 2024.

Besides, In publications on the social network ‘X’ of the Department of Social Prosperity they leave doubts about the exact date, there is only an instruction to be on the lookout for new announcements.

More information and links of interest for the VAT Refund in 2024

  1. To have the data and records updated, waiting to be chosen for the payments of the new Citizen Income, you must enter the correct information to confirm the Sisbén IV category in the authenticator that is used to reaffirm or change your current group: And in this link you can check the Sisbén group currently or if there have been changes since your last consultation:
  2. The payment for VAT Refund beneficiaries in 2024 will increase in amount, since adding the 3 bimonthly payments of 90,000 Colombian pesos that were made in 2023, they reached 540,000 Colombian pesos. Well, for 2024, due to the update of the Tax Value Unit (UVT) through a resolution issued by the DIAN, which is the one that establishes the VAT (Value Added Tax), it was established that the amount for this year is 2.1221 UVT, that is, it is 99,876 Colombian pesos per month. Which means that the payment will be 599,999 Colombian pesos for the first 6 months of the year.
  3. The same requirements and commitments must be met as the other registrants of this new Citizen Income, since the unification is not in payment times, in amounts of money or in lists of beneficiaries. The real unification is in the legal and operational part.
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