UCSF awarded architect Aníbal Moliné an Honoris Causa Doctorate

Dr. Arch. Aníbal Julio Moliné y Lurá, was awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa by the Catholic University of Santa Fe, the highest academic distinction of this institution, which is given to those who have made a notable contribution to knowledge, research or humanistic development, and that are a source of inspiration for the university community.

It was the dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Design, MDA Gabriel Darío Biagioni, who proposed granting this recognition, in consideration of the academic and professional work of Moliné and Lurá in the field of architecture in our province, and particularly in the development of the careers of that academic unit at the Rosario headquarters, as well as in the direction of research and publication teams.

Born in Rosario in 1937, an architect from the Universidad Nacional del Litoral and a doctorate from the Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Moliné y Lurá, he is one of the initiators of that career at the Rosario headquarters of the UCSF. Professional and teacher, he dedicated much of his time to transmitting with passion and enthusiasm his knowledge and values ​​around architecture.

The architect Aníbal Moliné y Lurá with his wife at the award ceremony.

Between 2015 and 2021 he was in charge of the academic coordination of the FAD in Rosario, and since a year before he taught various subjects there. Since his Honoris Causa doctorate, Moliné y Lurá is part of the FAD faculty as Extraordinary Professor.

The ceremony took place at the Aricana headquarters, one of the works of Moliné y Lurá himself, who was accompanied by his wife, children, grandchildren, families and friends.

“This distinction links the candidate in the most “perfect” way with our Institution and therefore requires, among others, two great premises: on the one hand, and following the teachings of Saint John Paul II, in his Apostolic Constitution Ex Corde Ecclesiae, May the world recognize him for being distinguished for his knowledge, for always being prepared to perform responsible functions in society and for being brave to testify his faith before the world,” said the rector Mgtr. Lic. Eugenio Martín De Palma,

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Likewise, “communing with the principles of our Pope Francis, knowing that: ‘True power is service’. In serving lies our greatness. In this will be excellence, in this will be magnanimity.” “I am happy along with you, all your loved ones and this entire university community that the institution whose motto is ‘In Omnem Veritatem’, of which you are already a part, recognizes you in this complete way with the title of Doctor Honoris Cause,” said De Palma.

In honor of his merits

As dictated by the Board’s rule, a special study commission is established made up of three competent members in the area who act as experts, evaluating the works, background and career of the candidate, in order to issue an opinion on the convenience of delivery. of the title. The court was made up of Mg. Architect Gustavo Giobando, and the architects Marcelo Barrale Arribillaga and Carlos Serra.

Barrale Arribillaga, professor and former vice dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Design of the National University of Rosario, stated: “This is a recognition of his academic career, but also of his performance as an architectural professional, his dedication in management institutional and a long life dedicated to the trade, in the broad sense, to the architectural project”.

He made special mention of the workshop that Moliné and Lurá developed in the 70s, 80s and 90s: “A theoretical-practical program that became a convening proposal, both for students and young architects, who longed to integrate”, and who trained professionals who today stand out “in the city and internationally,” he noted.

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The opinion of Serra, a teacher and former president of the Fraternitas Rosario Foundation, emphasized his “very broad and profound intellectual development in all aspects, which is correlated with a great capacity for work, with meticulous preparation for each task that begins.” ; contributing his time, his ability and his enthusiasm both in teaching and in research and in architectural production.

At the same time, he highlighted certain human qualities such as his open empathy “which enables group work and the training of all those involved, by becoming a friend and companion”, and his “broad and generous” recognition of different ideological positions.

Giobando, professor and former dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Design at UCSF, stated: “I want to give special testimony to the human and personal qualities of Aníbal (…) to the respect and affection of his former students, among whom I include myself and those who instilled in us the value of methodical, patient, intellectually and materially honest work, responsible with the institutions and committed to the client, the community and the place where we have to act professionally. From his love to his family, to teaching. and to his city of Rosario”.

“To express it in colloquial and, if you will, more intimate terms, Aníbal is above all and beyond his outstanding background: a good person, and a good and loyal friend, and part of our Catholic University of Santa Fe,” he concluded.

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Thanks and memories

Visibly moved, Moliné y Lurá took the floor and especially highlighted the affection and distinction received from UCSF, “not only for the recognition of the task carried out, but also for the encouragement it provides to continue with it.”

The honoree reviewed three moments that marked his relationship with UCSF, which began in the early 70s, through participation in certain meetings, talks and conferences. Between 1986 and 1988 the bond was strengthened when he was invited to develop postgraduate courses and other activities.

“I remember this invitation with special and deep gratitude, since, due to those things that life has, during those years at the Faculty of Architecture of Rosario I was not able to play my role as a teacher, however I was able to do so in the classrooms of the UCSF “, he expressed.

The third and final stage was after his retirement as a professor at FAPYD – UNR, when he was invited to participate in the construction of a new headquarters in Rosario for the UCSF Faculty of Architecture.

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“I have committed most of my life to teaching and architecture and I must confess that those who have helped me the most to learn and know have been my students, my colleagues and my clients,” he confessed, while sharing with the present: “As time went by, I understood that architecture and teaching were valuable instances to contribute to repairing our devastated world.”

“I want to finish by responding to my 2nd grade teacher who almost 80 years ago encouraged us to help make a world a little better than the one we found: I seriously doubt that we have achieved it, but I do believe that we have tried through our humble but sustained effort and that, as long as destiny allows it, we will continue doing it,” he concluded.

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