He travels in a motorhome with his three dogs through Neuquén and Río Negro to discover the magic of the towns of Patagonia

Try the tomatoes lamarquea good wine on the outskirts of Rockan apple or a pear in a field Upper Valley. Being surprised by the neighbor San Antonio East who goes down to the ATM and leaves the car running, with the giant rocks emerging from the blue waters of Lake The Chocónwith the incredible Provincial Route 1 that borders the coast from El Cóndor to near Punta Perdices. Marvel at the Caribbean of Patagonia, publish a video that has four million views. Admire the passage of the legendary Trochita on the South Line, see it cross the steppe with that steam locomotive made 100 years ago in front, listen to the hypnotic sound of the horn while the countrymen revere its passage.

There is equipment. Guido with two new friends at Jacobacci.

Stopping when he sees a dive on the outskirts of Jacobacci, stopping it with a cue as it comes, left foot to the corner. This time he will surprise the kids who don’t know that he shone as a hit in the reserve of All Boys and Tigre, who still remembers every detail of that match that he played with a full field at the Racing stadium, which was part of the Argentine soccer team. beach and who starts running with them with a smile, always without losing sight of his adventure companions, Timon, Pumbaa and Baruwho follow him out of the corner of their eye, barking and wagging their tail.

Lunch time for Timón, Pumbaa and Barú. Guido travels with them in a motorhome.

Enjoy seeing bikes without locks, cars with windows down, motorcycles running, houses with doors open in summer, all that life that the old neighborhoods of Buenos Aires had and that insecurity took away so long ago.

For Guido Rodríguez, who comes from the city, there is nothing more beautiful than breathing that other air, traveling slowly, no one rushes you and the landscapes are more enjoyable that way. All that and that no one is in a hurry, that people greet each other on the street, in the square, in the bakery. He knows the warmth of him, once he comes into trust. Maybe at first it may be closed, but when it opens, another world opens.

Three great adventure companions

The journey of Guido and his three dogs began on March 15 with no end date in sight. This is how he describes his fellow travelers. “I adopted all three of them while in Buenos Aires, from three different shelters. We made travel adaptations: first I traveled with one, then with another, then with two, then with two different ones, until traveling with all three on several occasions,” he says.

Adventure companions: Pumbaa, pure energy, Barú, the eternal puppy, and Timón, the biggest and Guido’s great friend.

And what is the personality of each one? “Rudder, at 8 years old, is the oldest. He is fearful (not so much anymore), I adopted him when he was one year old. He is my great friend and a great food lover. Pumbaa He is six years old and one infinite energy. He plays, runs, barks, jumps into the water. She does them all. Barú is 3 years old, he is the eternal puppy. Friend of humans and is always happy looking to play with something or someone,” he adds.

Let’s go on the road

Football was his dream, but he did not manage to sign his first professional contract in first class. He found another dream. “I have been traveling through Argentina since I was 20 years old. -Guido says-. At that stage they were vacation trips but always getting to know new destinations, I don’t usually repeat places. At 31, in 2022, I started doing it more frequently since I was able to finance myself by traveling. But only since March 15 of this year did I start traveling indefinitely.

Sierra Colorado. He put together the party and captured it in the Southern Region of Río Negro.

Before, he had another modality: he went on a trip for a month, came back, stayed in Buenos Aires for a month. The passage of time, of the kilometers traveled, turned it into a traveling influencer that thousands of people follow. He knew how to draw conclusions, distinguish what interested in each platformbuild better and betterto roadmap, Learn to be flexible if you have to change plans due to the weather or because an unexpected opportunity presents itself.

He goes to incredible places with his three dogs, he seeks the charm of small towns, he has an eye for filming, photographing, telling stories. The table was served. “I didn’t have to dare to do it. It was not a passionate decision from one moment to the next, but rather I was slowly building this way of life and molding it in my own way to be able to be happily traveling today,” he says. These days, between the wind of Patagonia and the diversity of landscapes in the same province that surprises you.

How it is financed

It is the million-dollar question, the one that all those who seek encouragement ask those who have already decided and live on the road. In Guido’s case, this is the way he found: “I mainly finance myself with advertising of different brands on social networks (Instagram especially) and I also monetize on YouTube,” he explains.

“Social networks are one of the many tools to finance yourself. Any remote job allows you to live while traveling. The important thing is to have a PC and get internet. There are hundreds of jobs in that modality. And more so since 2020 with the pandemic,” he says.

The view in the Middle Valley of Río Negro.

“We must understand that those who live traveling do not travel like people when they go on vacation. In general, it is more expensive to live in a city paying rent, electricity, wateramong other things, that living and traveling in a mobile home that you do not pay for lodging or services,” he adds.

“And traveling slowly, the cost of gasoline is very low.”. Furthermore, if you live traveling you are not in a hurry, you do not live running. I believe that the biggest problems or risks are not economic when deciding to travel without a return date,” she says.

Productive postcards

As a good traveler, Guido is curious, observant, and attentive to the productive activity of each area. Of this last stretch through Río Negro, he says: “I went through different regions within the same province and it is very varied. There are towns with a main source of work, like the flagstone in Los Menucos or the wool in Maquinchao. There are other areas where there are months of greater work, depending on the harvest season, such as in the Upper Valley or Middle Valley. And there are tourist regions par excellence.”

In Lamarque, he tried the famous Middle Valley tomatoes. What else stands out? The answer: «Pink Lady apples and Abate Fetel pears from the Upper Valley. I really liked the ´Sapo’ Pinot Noir wine from a small wine business called Bodega Costa. And I loved some alfajores, the brand is ‘Piwké’ in Chimpay, I think it is one of the best I tried.

strange lights in the night

He filmed them in the pure sky of the Middle Valley and still wonders what he saw. ANDIt is certain that it was not a plane, nor a drone, nor a satellite.. While investigating, she promises that when she finds out she will talk about that night.

Meanwhile, always respond coolly to the most frequently asked question: “When are you coming to my town?” “Someday I will arrive, friend.”

Many come to tell you that they would love to do that, traveling is motorhome. It’s nice to walk along the road inspiring dreams.

Top 5 landscapes

«The landscapes of the Camino de la Costa are impressive, always parallel to the sea. I love Punta Perdices in San Antonio Este. Photos: @gui10road

«La Laguna Ñe Luan in Maquinchao surprised me a lot. An oasis in the middle of the steppe.

“The Valley of the Red and Yellow Moon, in Roca, are places from another planet.” Timón, Pumbaa and Barú already know it…

“Los Gigantes de Villa El Chocón enters my top 10 landscapes in Argentina.”

Pomona Municipal Park: the nicest place I spent the night on this tour.

From Manu Ginobili to Juampi Sorín to nine friends from Las Grutas

You can find him on X, YouTube and Instagram as gui10road and he has more and more followers.
It is presented like this: “I travel through Argentina, I love my dogs, I don’t eat animals.”

Stars like Manu Ginobili and Juan Pablo Sorín follow him and he usually receives gratifying messages like Juan’s: “Asadazo en Las Grutas with several friends from Bahía Creek. The topic of your posts came up. There were nine of us and the nine of us were following youeveryone happy with your stories: the guy is 100% effective.”

The motorhome on the Camino de la Costa in Río Negro.

One of the virtues of his publications is that he always locates the audience with information about the towns he visits: how to get there, what to do, where to eat delicious, cool people, that is the most important thing. For example, when does the experience of driving on the Camino de la Costa count? “Traversing the 210 km of RP 1, there are no areas that prevent the passage of any vehicle. My route was 100% safe, going very very slowly, a lot of sawing but with no chance of staying in the sand.”

The motorhome

Here he works and edits in the motorhome.

«It is a utility vehicle (Citreon Jumper) transformed into a motorhome. I adapted it in different stages – he says -. Now he is quite efficient and independent, However, in the future I would think it would be advisable to go for something larger for greater comfort. When I arrive in a town, sometimes they think I’m a pet neutering van or some nursery, because the van is painted with plants and my dogs. And many come to tell me that their dream is to travel in a motorhome through Argentina.

And what did you like about the food, fruits and drinks that you tried?

I highlight the Pink Lady apples and the Abate Fetel pears from the Alto Valle. I really liked the ‘SAPO’ Pinot Noir wine from a small wine business called Bodega Costa.

And I loved some alfajores, the brand is ‘Piwké’ in Chimpay, I think it is one of the best alfajores I tried.

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