Lanata questioned Milei and was concerned about the future of the country

Lanata questioned Milei and was concerned about the future of the country
Lanata questioned Milei and was concerned about the future of the country


He journalist Jorge Lanata and Javier Milei had a strong exchange of opinions last month, after the President accused him of “receiving envelopes” for criticizing the alleged participation of Israeli ambassador Eyal Sela in a meeting of the crisis committee within the framework of the war conflict in the Middle East. This Saturday, the driver redoubled his bet and, in the midst of an analysis of the political and economic situation in Argentina, questioned the president’s measures, ruled out the possibility of investments in SMEs and assured that He is “concerned” about the future of the country.

“I am concerned about what the country he thinks is like,” he expressed, referring to the President, whom he also called a “curious phenomenon.” “Today there are 55% poor people, but I get the feeling that the country that Milei dreams of is one that has 80% poor people and 20% upper-middle and middle class.“, considered.

Thus, in dialogue with the program “The Correspondent” driven by Nelson Castro at the signal TN, assured that “large investments are not enough to reactivate the economy,” and highlighted the importance of investments in SMEs for the microeconomy. “I don’t think there will be investments in the short and medium term.. They are very difficult and I don’t know if they will be there throughout 2025,” she said.

Lanata’s interview with Nelson Castro.Capture

In addition, he targeted the International Monetary Fund (IMF), referring to the request that the organization made to the libertarian government to consider the protection of the poorest sectors, since the greatest impact of the applied economic adjustments falls on them.

“Everything is so strange that the IMF is worried about the vulnerable, something never seen before. The IMF shit on the most vulnerable for decades, and now it’s worried“, said.

Finally, he spoke about the President’s meetings with technology entrepreneurs such as the CEO of Meta, Mark Zuckerberg, or the CEO of Tesla Motors, Elon Musk. However, he questioned the Government’s lack of clarity in reporting the “tangible” results of these meetings. “Nobody knows what it was or what conclusions there were.. As far as I know, of the last presidents he is the only one who made that type of tour and it is good that he did it. The problem is why, how, what is going to happen with this, and we have no answers there,” he lamented.

At another point in the interview, Lanata referred to the management of the Bases Law promoted by the Government, and considered it as a “strategy error” having presented a bill with more than 500 regulations within it. “I could have chosen 30 or 40 and they might have been approved, or the process was shorter. He got into a mess from which he still cannot get out today and has not been able to approve it for six months,” he stated.

And I add: “From external capital, including the IMF, there are doubts regarding governability and whether or not the Government can approve a law. They have not yet demonstrated it and that is a big failure when it comes to governing.”

Likewise, he pointed out against the changes in the Mileist cabinet, and affirmed that the officials “they resigned like never before in any government”. “The Milei government’s strategy was erratic except for himself, who seems to be the only one who knows what he wants to do,” he said.

On the other hand, he referred to the role of the opposition, which he held responsible for “doing everything possible” so that the La Libertad Avanza (LLA) candidate won in the November 2023 elections: “Milei devastated the opposition: PRO was dismantled, Unión por la Patria (UP) and Peronism were divided; “There was nothing left.”

While he classified the political leadership as “brutes” and “untrained people,” he regretted that the country’s political arc is made up of “people who did not read much.” “You can tell when they talk: they didn’t watch many movies, they didn’t read, they were always inside an elevator arguing with a couple of others and seeing which side they ended up with,” he accused and continued: “These are not people who went to Europe, to the US.” USA, nor people who had scholarships or postgraduate degrees. Hopefully they received their degree and nothing more. The lack of training does not cause doubts, and if there are no doubts, you do not know where you are going.”

Finally, he once again referred to the Milei government and dismissed the speculation that arises from time to time about a possible early end to the administration. “Milei is going to end his government, even if it does not have results from an economic point of view”, he considered and closed: “The recession is tremendous. We have to see when it can be reversed. It’s going to cost; “This year I don’t think it can be and next year I have serious doubts.”


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