“No one who claims to be a Peronist can let the RIGI pass through the Senate”

“No one who claims to be a Peronist can let the RIGI pass through the Senate”
“No one who claims to be a Peronist can let the RIGI pass through the Senate”

This Wednesday the 12th will be a day that will mark another milestone of resistance against the adjustment proposed by Javier Milei’s government. In the midst of the permanent attacks directed by the Executive against Congress, the opposition has the opportunity, if it cannot stop the Bases law, at least block the most harmful articles, among them the Large Investment Incentive Regime (RIGI) and the privatizations of the Post Office, Aerolíneas Argentinas and public media.

For now, on the outside of Congress, it will be the scene of a mobilization that promises to be massive since the CGT, the two CTA, the social movements, La Cámpora, the Peronist mayors of the suburbs and Governor Axel Kicillof promise to be there so that The social discontent on the part of the collaborationist senators does not go unnoticed.

In fact, this Saturday the deputy Máximo Kirchner warned: “No one who claims to be a Peronist or who loves his country can let the RIGI pass through the Senate.” Within the framework of the closing of the Third Plenary of National and Popular Thought, the leader of La Cámpora reiterated the negative consequences that the approval of the Large Investment Incentive Regime would have.

He also valued parliamentary agreements when they are in favor of society and not corporations. This week the opposition showed that a new majority can be formed that until now had been impossible by achieving half-sanction of the new retirement formula.

The insults uttered from the communication area of ​​the Executive Branch by illustrating the legislators as rats, help more to buckle this for now ephemeral opposition construction rather than to soften the negotiations carried out by the Chief of Staff Guillermo Francos in search of votes for change of the transfer of infrastructure works that the national government does not want to finish, but without the funds to complete them.

Knowing that the Bases law can be voted on in general but that, as some legislators say, “it has to be stained,” Kirchnerism drew up the strategy of boycotting the RIGI articles. Already this Friday, Kirchner had come out to warn that we must “remove the RIGI from this project and discuss an investment regime among all political forces.”

“The problem is that if this is approved in three years, if the Argentine people decide to back down, we will not be able to because foreign courts will decide.” “I think that the national business community should also look closely at this and express themselves in a certain way. Chevron worked and was one of the accelerators of production in Vaca Muerta. I could say there on the side of Perito Moreno, in Santa Cruz, the production of gold and silver, or what is Cerro Vanguardia also since the year 97 and with the participation of the State, they have been extracting minerals in Argentina for 27 years and in association with the State and it works,” he recalled.

The Minister of the Environment of the Province of Buenos Aires, Daniela Vilar, also a leader of La Cámpora, came out this week to highlight the consequences that the RIGI would bring to the country’s natural assets. “It is a 30-year delivery with benefits for foreign companies, with free availability of foreign currency, tax exemptions, without obligation to hire workers or to purchase local input suppliers, so it will not generate jobs, Nor does it allow an environmental impact assessment to be carried out, which establishes what can be done and what cannot be done, federalism and environmentalism are completely burdened. To the provinces, to all the subnational governments, which are the ones that define what can or cannot be done, if they want to carry out regulations to the detriment of the RIGI, it is null, that destroys the protection of natural common goods,” said the environmental official.

At the plenary session of the Patria Sí militancy, which took place this Saturday at the University of Lanús, Kirchner insisted: “Regarding those who believe that we are against investments, I ask them not to push us further with that. I told them about Cerro Vanguardia in Santa Cruz, which began when Néstor was governor. We can talk about Chevron while Cristina was president. Or the number of industries and SMEs that were generated in our country from 2003 to 2015. And they don’t want to talk about private property? If there was a government that generated private property in industrial and productive matters and also in terms of houses for the people, they were the ones we carried out between 2003 and 2015,” he said.

And he added: “This is the dispute. This is the discussion we have ahead of us. A State that wants to be destroyed by whoever commands it, who at the same time wants to allow extractivism to advance in Argentina and no one to control it. It is urgent because when we want to reverse these situations we are going to have to go to ICSID and they are going to break us down the middle,” he added.

This week, the Peronist mayors of the suburbs joined the call at the doors of Congress that had been building since the parliamentary debate began. “Senators have the responsibility of not betraying our people,” they warned and asked that they vote against “the foreignization of natural resources.” «

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